>>9524113>The Queen vs Farmer GirlQueenie was more than happy for the Battle of the Farm to be the end of their PPV rivalry, which is why I sort of attempted to make her more babyface with the idea of a second match for the fans. I was caught off guard with FG's response but rolled with it. I had no faith at all that Queen was going to win the sim, and after Farmer Girl made it Crown vs Career, I didn't really want her to. Seeing FGanon's posts now though, it was probably for the best.
I had so many plans for what to do when Queen lost (including that deal she made with a certain big red dumb someone), but now all of those are moot. I can reveal them if people want to know, but otherwise I'll keep them in my back pocket for another time. I can probably rework my story for her now, but otherwise I think she also might just mill around a bit with some exhibitions before any other big stories. My original take on The Queen was the 91 OVR "legend" that lost to Punk Elf in the tournament opened and had that "big match" aura, where she wrestled rarely but for big moments. As we saw in the first FG fight, she also wasn't meant to always win.