>>5545780>4. Right on target.“Flash out!” Kiro chirps over the comm, causing everyone to instinctively avert their gaze.
The loosed flash grenade flies true, clattering as it bounces off the top of the Crab and hits the deck behind it. A cacophony of light, sound and other debilitating effects envelops the three boarders perfectly - stunning them.
Each of the black, crystalline beings begin to stagger about on their spindly legs, unable to deal with their sudden loss of sensory inputs.
“Wooooo yeah! Did you see that thow?” The ecstatic Kiro whoops over the comm, “Best Marrok pitcher in a hundred lightyears, right here!”
You risk a brief glance, and smile despite yourself at the absurd situation before you. Your little friend is hopping from foot to foot and punching the air in excitement atop the highest point of the battlefield - in full view of ally and enemy alike. Though you suppose with his celebration his that enemies seeing him is now less of an issue.
“Well done, Lieutenant,” you attempt to inject some seriousness back into the situation with formality, “now move in with Clifton before something takes a shot at you.”
“Yessir.” He squeaks somewhat abashed, and descends the other side of the stacked spools in a few short hops.