>>5688762“I can't believe you. Went through all that effort to cheat and still lost.” the artificial voice says, to Tanya's obvious displeasure but you can't help but smile. “L M A O get rekt nerd! Lolololololololol.”
“Haha, hey, don't be so hard on her. Everyone can do things they later regret when fearing for their lives.” you gently scold chat, making sure to thank the individual donating by name before turning back to Tanya. “But with that alert getting through, we've hit the time when my audience can submit audible submissions. Do you want to stick around and maybe answer some of them? Or do you have to go?”
“Unfortunately, I have to go. But it was good to talk, Chaya.” Tanya says, rising to her feet. You stand up too, feeling.... Conflicted. On the one hand, you're still angry at her for her betrayal and now for getting your hopes up for another rematch, but on the other hand, the two of you had been friends for years. Almost since you'd started really competing at Dreadzone the two of you had been hanging around each other, and you had once called her a friend.
“Is this really it? You're just leaving?” you ask her, frowning as you stand up as well. To which she actually laughs. “What?”
“Just because I'm no longer competing doesn't mean I'm leaving the whole organization. There are more positions here than just being a gladiator.” Tanya answers, a real, genuine smile on her face. “I'm just retiring from the arena, from fighting. I'll still be around. But for now I'm going to be settling into my new primary role as the Chief Combat Analyst and Lead Event Designer. So, you'll not be getting rid of me so easily. Next season, these courses are going to be even more difficult, just for you.”
“Oh, just for me? Well then, I feel honored.” you reply, the two of you grinning at each other before you offer her your hand. “Well then, I'll be looking forward to it. And whenever you want to come back on, just let me know.”
“I will.” Tanya replies after a moment, the two of you shaking hands a moment. She then lets go, Tanya turning to the door and walking to it. But before she reaches it, another voice message plays.
“Before you go Tanya, just one question: are you excited to watch Deese's performance tomorrow?” the text-to-speech asks, you turning away and making it look like you're adjusting your scouter so the grin on your face doesn't give it away.
“Deese? I'm not familiar with a competitor named Deese.” she responds seriously, you covering your mouth but can't wholly suppress your laugh. You feel her eyes on you suddenly, choking back your laughter and trying to hold it in for the punchline.