>>5411118After stepping out of the Set-Mobile, you do a brief bit of stretching to work the kinks out from all the time spent stationary.
Looks like you caught them on a quiet day, you and your pals seem to be the only people here. Either the place doesn’t have tour guides, or they’re busy escorting a larger group of tourists somewhere else.
That’s probably for the best, considering the…unique makeup of your traveling buddies.
Set, Thoth, and Pandion can pass off as normal, but Bobo and Jack don’t enjoy that luxury. You had been planning on passing Bobo off as an exceptionally hairy child and Jack as some kind of one-in-ten-billion transparent albino; thankfully, it looks like you can avoid that potential awkwardness.
Set’s decided to visit a local pub for a few drinks, and quite literally drags a sputtering Thoth along with him.
Pandion, Bobo, and Jack are content to meander down the Hadrian’s Wall Trail with you, but your paths eventually diverge when you choose to split-off and explore one of the old Roman forts.
It’s a bright, sunny day and the weather is just right for walking in the the shadows of the past.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xFxjZXLy8gYou survey the worn-down ruins and imagine them in their prime, how it must’ve loomed over the surrounding terrain like a beacon shining in a dark wilderness.
It’s a humbling thought, to know that you’re literally following in the footsteps of history.
You wander around for a while, enjoying the breezy ambience and studying various markers and partially-reconstructed structures.
The backstory of Hadrian’s Wall is an interesting one; supposedly the local tribes to the far north were such a thorn in the Romans’ side that they figured it’d be easier to just wall them off and pretend that they don’t exist.
And the men responsible for holding that wall were professional soldiers like yourself, posted to a faraway land to hold back a tide of savages and barbarians deemed a threat to the security of a mighty empire.
The similarities aren’t perfect, but you can empathize with the experience of being a stranger in a strange land.
When you pass by a broken-down structure identified as an old barracks; something unpleasant twinges in the back of your mind, almost like you’ve caught a brief whiff of something foul, but the sensation quickly fades.
You gently chide yourself for letting your paranoia flare up and run amok, even in the most mundane of situations.