>>5172279You walk over towards her, seeing what appears to be an armored knight's corpse. The corpse is clad in an extremely heavy-seeming suit of black armor, a towering but mangled once-round shield bound to it's left arm while it's right the knight is clutching the handle of a rather impressive-seeming club. It appears almost pillar-like at the head, . This knight clearly met their end in battle against the giants here. You look up, holding the crystal above your head, and realize that you can't actually see the ceiling of this room. You wonder if, much like yourself, the monstrous giant had sent them all down this deep into the ground during their battle by shattering the floor they stood on?
“There's another one!” Milha calls excitedly, you turning to see her standing above another body. But this one is different, wearing white robes and clutching a white bundle of cloth in it's right hand. Walking over, you see what appears to be a pure silver ring on her hand, Chilli crouching down and examining it. Looks like the battle was the knight, trying valiantly to protect the presumable woman from the giants before meeting his end.
“Hrmmm.” Chilli says, gingerly reaching out and touching the white-robed corpse's hand. “It's faint, but there is a hint of magic still in this ring. I'm not sure what it does, but I can feel something. Perhaps...”
He then rises, and walks over to the knight's corpse. He reaches down, touching that knight's right hand, and his eyes widen in surprise.
“There's another one. They both are wearing magical rings.” he says, then turns to you curiously. Glancing to your own left hand, before meeting your gaze. “Should we take these? Or leave them with these two?”
>They don't need them anymore, take anything you or your siblings could want from them>Only take the rings, but then we should bury them. Let the tree giant perhaps draw on them for sustenance>Don't take anything, something about this is making you feel rather uneasy>Other(write in)