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Cleaner Quest #9

!!k8ZbH4xhBG5 ID:7OV+Akz+ No.6173828 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are <span class="mu-s">Nicole Smith.</span> You are a <span class="mu-s">SHIFTer</span>, a person capable of using anomalous abilities to alter the world around you. You are a <span class="mu-s">Cleaner</span>, a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the <span class="mu-s">Alphabet Companies</span> and anyone else willing to pay you.

Most of your jobs are from your <span class="mu-s">Handler</span>, a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

All of this is taking place in the <span class="mu-s">City</span>, a massive megacomplex spanning across hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of square miles. Being a <span class="mu-s">Cleaner</span> is one of the most efficient ways to make money in this continental sized megacomplex if you know what you're doing.

You get the drill.

As for how that job is going? Not half bad!

You teamed up with a group of revolutionaries down at an abandoned underground facility and dealt with a handful of anomalies down there. In the process of working with them, you brought a soviet soldier from WW2 back into the future through anomalous time travel means.

You proceeded to head to a rave to unwind, got a new body for a body possessing ally to control and started to prepare for your next mission. This was hampered a bit by your apartment complex and the surrounding block turning into rubble thanks to the Spooks trying to mess with G-Corp.

You carried on regardless and started your latest mission: Checking up on your Handler's extended family to see how they're holding up. You have to travel all across the City to do so but the first stop at Q-Corp was quick and easy. You had to kill a sniper and deal with an android trying to defame you but you easily secured the first Foxtrot. That's when you moved to D-Corp for the second one.

D-Corp has been hell. Your allies have been slowly losing more and more of their sanity as you travel the district. You entered up at a spore infested facility in pursuit of the second Foxtrot. You dealt with a Spook there and entered a unsteady alliance with her before finding Seath Foxtrot.

It took setting the anomaly controlling him ablaze to snap him out of the anomalous trance he was in. He's with you now, though!

You're now busy dealing with a side quest about a missing dog that was kidnapped by a gang. You're on the way to the warehouse the gang is taking nest in order to rescue said dog. You can't wait to get out of D-Corp, man.

MAIN CHARACTER SHEET (Your stats/abilities/perks are written here):
ALLIES (contains their stats, abilities, recruitment costs, and RAPPORT):
PARTY (Who's with you currently):
INVENTORY (contains your items, consumables, weapons, etc.):
CITY INFO (General information about the Alphabet Companies and other notable entities):