>>11324981you're proving my point, sub-goldfish.
20 years ago, pointing out COMMON SENSE wouldn't have gotten me accused of being a George Bush supporter, muchless of even agreeing with anything he said.
I was posting on neogaf and 4chan back then and none of them are anywhere close to being as radicalized as people are today. ... of course, back then, 4chan wasn't even considered radical anything. Just a bunch of unruly edgelords.
In fact, aside from a few mostly jokey worthy nazi and harmless commie forums, NO ONE was radicalized compared to how nearly all of social media is today.
This extreme radicalization only took fucking 10 years to happen. Maybe 15 years ago you'd see some stupidity, but holy fuck, everything has been maxxed out to the extreme, mostly from the left.
So combine this extreme radicalization with people giving knee jerk reactions and not willing to read more than a sentence worth of text, you end up with people literally thinking and acting like angry retards.