>>9082793I don't regret getting into toy collecting. I do regret spending money on toys I don't care about as much, and just getting as much as I can form a series without drawing a boundary.
For example, I have like 70 of these Gundam Converge figures from over the years and buying lots. I recently cut it down to like 30, and even then I'm being a bit generous.
When I was collecting Marvel Legends I had to force myself to only buy certain figures because I'd just buy whatever I thought looked great. I started buying figures that were part of another collection, and then I'd justifty the next purchase with 'Oh I already have 2 of the 4 in that group, why not buy the other 2?'. I had to eventually tell myself only Spider-Man villains, and then stop when I got all the classic ones I was waiting for.
When you let impulse buying, lack of boundaries with collections, and just collecting just to collect happen, that's when the no fun and bad habits kick in.