He's certainly not overly flawed, but is also many steps shy of "perfect." A common issue is one or more of the gold thigh pieces not being adhered properly, and I have one such piece (probably just needs a drop of the hypothetical super glue that I have). The missile guns sit just a bit loose in the wings -- they'll stay in, but they will turn to the side if you bump it. Also, to restate, you can't get a very wide stance out of him because of his shallow ankle rocker. And like I've thought, the stand is just so big; deeper than the floating shelf I plan on having them on. The little nitpick that I can put in is the toy dino head has the red eyes painted on, but you're simply provided a pair of shiny stickers for the chrome head.
>>7491370I did forget, so I corrected myself a few posts after.
>>7491318Make it happen, Toy World.