Quoted By:
Hey, all. Prices are marked shipped to US only, and if you have any questions please feel free to email me. I'm open to working on prices. Thanks, and have a great day.
Top row:
Transformers Generations G1 Megatron - $25
Transformers Generations G1 Starscream - $5
NECA Borderlands Psycho - $10
NECA Robocop (original; broken left piston can be glued back together but I'm lazy) -$10
Mezco (?) Hell boy 2 Wink - $30
Mezco (?) Hell boy 2 Hell boy w/ Big Baby - $25
Bottom Row
Figuarts G3 - $20
Figuarts W CycloneJoker - $20
Figuarts Shocker Combatman (x3) - $20 apiece, $50 if bundled
Figuarts Zectrooper - $20
Figuarts Cheeda Nick - $30
Figuarts W CJXtreeeme - $20
Ultra-Act Zamsher - $20
Marvel Universe Commander Steve Rogers - $8
Marvel Universe WW Hulk - $8
Marvel Legends MCU Black PANTHER MISB - $20
Revoltech Vash - $25
SHOCKER TOYS THE MAXX (complete with box, scuff on tooth of main face) -$60
PS3 games: GoW I & II HD, GoW III, Dead or Alive 5, Uncharted 2 - $5 each, or one free with multiple purchases
PS4 Mad Max - $10