>>9714031Oh boy I sure do enjoy Lego, I put one brick on top of another, then another, and look at that a Lego George Floyd statue, my wife's son and I sure did have lot's of funnerino constructing that, and for only $150 its a steal
That is current Lego now except maybe you'll get something from the trash tier sequel Star Wars films
Versus with Bionicle you got an interesting and unique world, that was written by a real writer, that was entirely new and not recycled theme or ip, yes I will agree near the end the sets weren't great but at least it wasn't the same three themes or or ip rehashed ad nauseam
I'm not even saying bring Bionicle back, all I'm saying is Lego should give a proper anniversary set that represents Bionicle not some lazy googly eyed downs syndrome patient would make, and maybe rerelease older sets
then we won't complain anymore and you can have all the lgbtqp+ sets that your heart desires