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If anyone cares, I just orderedfrom Shapeways some replacement Shinki wrist joints and spacers I whipped up in CAD based on YDA's (still new to Shinkis, so not sure if there might be compatibility issues for other Shinki bodies). I didn't like how YDA's hands kept detaching from the wrist joints so I lengthened the wrist-pegs a bit on my designs. If everything fits I'll put it up on my shop for those interested.
On the subject of Shinki parts, where can I find the mounting thing for attaching Grap's armor to YDA (green/dark-grey version is the body I'm using for Grap)? Are the mounts all the same or are there varying dimensions? I don't mind putting it in CAD to just print it if that's the only way, I just have no clue what shape and dimensions I need and if they're universal or different for some bodies