>>5312132OP, the best advice I can give you is this.
Don't worry about what other people's opinions are on the figure. Ultimately it's you who has to make the choice.
If you want it, and you think you'll like it, then by all means go for it and and enjoy the fuck out of it.
If you're hesitant, then pass.
The reason being, you'll ask 5 different people and get 6 different opinions, and those opinions don't mean dick because they aren't yours. Your satisfaction is key, therefore rely on what YOU know.
You know Figmas are decent figures to begin with, so the quality is there, if you want to see more pix of the figure, check here:
http://shishioh.info/figma-209_INDIANA_JONES.phpIf you like what you see, then have at it.
There's nothing worse than having people influence you into buying something, when you may not rally want it to begin with.