Looking to do a mono-type Mystery Egg run after I restart my game when Pokebank comes out.
Any type other than Fighting would be great (I've already done a Fighting Mystery Egg for White 2)
http://pastebin.com/3yQwDsMkI can hatch you anything on this list in return, as well as
4IV Impish Goomy (Sap Sipper/Hydration)
>Acid Armor/Endure 4IV Adamant Hawlucha (Unburden)
>Entrainment/Baton Pass/Quick Guard/Me FirstAlso have a few others, but would have to breed (Nincada, Plusle, Trapinch, Skorupi, Zangoose, Roselia, Sentret, Whismur, Pumpkaboo, Pelipper, Numel, Mareep, Kecleon)
Also have items to trade/give as well in return.