>>54862596I hate that they even left out my boy Yamper just for shillvee.
And okay I understand that Yamper had their chance and it didn't sell like they wanted, so they turned to the old reliable Eevee, but the way they used him was stupid and boring, well you want to create a secondary arc where Eevee's indecision reflects the insecurities From Chloe, I have no problem with that, but if you have resources and the script in your favor, use it! Don't create forgettable NPCs and generic settings, use the huge cast and locations created for decades to your advantage! That some seiyu can no longer do their job, no problem, there are a lot of characters that were never used!!!
You need a Glaceon episode, well use Melony and Crown Tundra in Galar with a mini arc focused on Calirex and his steeds.
You need a Flareon episode, use Benga in a mini-arc involving Black Tower (villains' base) and White Treehollow (Alder family home)
Or if what they wanted was to milk the popularity of other pokegirls, they could have easily made an episode for each one with Chloe, in the end almost all of them appeared in PJ except for May who could have been replaced by Lisia.