Quoted By:
>"battle balance"
>VGC can already set the formats so any Pokémon not in the regional Pokedex is banned
>They introduced a mechanic that specially marks Pokemon caught or bred in a specific region
>"higher fidelity and higher quality animations"
>The current models are already so high-poly that they caused the 3DS games to run at fucking 10fps
>Not one old Pokemon we have seen in the trailers has any new animations, just the same old recycled lifeless shit we've been seeing since X/Y
Their excuse just doesn't make sense. Mark my words, the number one reason they're doing this is because they think they can use having a different selection of Pokemon as a selling point for future games.
>You can only play the game the way we want you to play with the Pokemon we want you to use
At this point we're not even playing a game anymore, we're paying Game Freak for the privilege of testing their software like it's some kind of job.