This research talk about how lolicon hentai shows a morality that state that "sexualizing a child is "acceptable". Debunk this university research paper, /vp/olicons>When discussing the ethics of consuming media, it is vital that we prevent ourselves from becoming complacent. I feel that many fans of these genres write off the harm it may cause as they do not feature “real” children in sexualized situations. However, one must question the morality of someone who enjoys media that even features drawings of sexualized children. Accepting even “virtual” images of child pornography shows a morality that states sexualizing children is acceptable. This issue becomes more urgent as the lines between what is “real” and what simply exists online become blurred.>Even more so, we must look critically at those who consume or promote content that actively harms real children, such as in the idol or JK industry. While the rights to free speech and expression, as written in both the American and Japanese constitutions, remain a top priority in Japan, children continue to be hurt as a result. Throughout history and into modernity, there is not much of a voice given to victims of this pedophilic culture. There are actually no accounts of the perspective of wakashu, and even today it is rare to hear the voices of young people who suffer from these phenomena, such as ex-idols or former JK business victims. It is important to consider the ways this may be affecting children physically and mentally, especially in a country where mental health is not prioritized while suicide rates are rising. In 2020 alone, the rates of suicide among Japanese women grew nearly 15% (Wingfield-Hayes). Research must be conducted to realize the true impact this culture may have on young women, and young children in general.