Quoted By:
>expecting anything but normal
>intentionally setting yourself up for disappointment with new types
listen if you're so confident, why don't we place a bet. If game freak is as artistically butt fucking retarded as you want it to be and they do add new types and fuck up the meta game even more, then you can have your shitty ass gen 6 with all the included gimmicks and DLC Pokemon that kids like you are ranting and raving about, but count me out.
oh and if I'm right and game freak isn't a bunch of retarded 16 year old faggots from deviant-art, and this ugly piece of shit that theyre passing off as an excuse for an eeveelution is actually a normal type (like every fucking ration person who has played the games and knows how the fuck typical GF works) they kindly drink battery acid smash your router with your WiiU your ass wiping mommy got you.