Fuck,I've defeated Whitney (God bless Issun and Fury Cutter),and amazingly Rance hasn't died
yetBut I've lost my encounters both in Mt. Mortar and Route 42,both Marills,because fucking rollout killed my Spinarak and almost took out Lucky Star.
I hate Marill now.
I still can find a Corsola though,so it's good.
Tomorrow I'm sure I'll get one,and then my team will be complete.
I don't fucking know how it will go but hey,I'm having a lot of fun so who cares?
>>39237922Graveler/Golem must be the best mons in gen 2 nuzlockes
>>39237734Oh no dude>>39237511>>39236845Thanks anons
>>39236736I wanted to say something but I got wiped by a Spearow in Falkner's gym so I can't say anything,really>>39234762Great names