Okay, I'm trying to prepare a certain deck idea for Team Up's release, involving Moltres from the set.
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Moltres_(Tag_Bolt_18)>Wildfire>Discard all Fire Energy from this Pokémon. If you do, discard that many cards from the top of your opponent’s deck.Now by itself that's not a very good ability with Fire Energies what they are, little to no retrieval. BUT, what if it's not Fire Energy right away?
>Typhlosion Lost Thunder>Quagsire Dragons Majesty>Naganadel Lost Thunder x3and
>Water EnergiesAll the parts are non-GX so their setup can take longer to perform as needed. You gather the Water with Naganadel, move it with Quagsire, Use Typhlosion to turn it ALL to Fire Energy, and bonus up with Aqua Patch, or Beast Ring, or Masked Royal as needed. Crasher Wake can set up like a pair of Ultra Balls too.
Move it all, activate the Fire Switchup, and either do 180 base, to discard three energies you get back the next turn anyway with the Needle Bros, OR burn away a WHOLE bunch of energy to cut your opponents deck in a few turns. 60 minus 7 minus 6 at the start alone is 47, and every turn it's getting smaller. Five energies is easy to get set up, four at the minimum, and that's even at the start a good 10% of the guy's deck. Imagine burning out enough to make the Charizard GX move blush, on non-GX Pokemon.
Anyway, I need some other ideas for what else to add, besides Rare Candies of course. Any ideas?