it still hurts
everyone was so happy to see a more monstrous mon during pre-release and then the games came out and nobody fucking cared anymore
>>53960353It’s kind of just a bigger Qwilfish, just with a stupider design and permanent angry eyebrows. Poor thing looks like it can barely move and was competing against a regional starter trio and a fucking Zoroark variant. It never had a chance.
>>53960368nah dude, Gligar specifically is still pretty popular amongst a certain demographic
unfortunately that demographic mostly consists of teenage girls who like invader zim
if it helps, I also prefer Gligar to Gliscor. Really doesn't help that the latter is almost always depicted in only the most unflattering ways, the original DP sprite and official artwork is fucking rough lol>>53960493it's brought up a lot for ruining Nickit, especially in furry circles, but I will agree that it's kind of fallen to the wayside as of late
>>53960414yeah, unfortunately
I think the most spotlight Slurpuff has ever gotten was when it was on the signs in Alola’s supermarkets
>>53960596Probably the most standard filler mon to ever exist
I honestly think they’ve taken the title of “most forgettable” from Finneon, especially now that everyone points to Finneon as forgettable
Nobody ever points to these guys unless they’ve got Tencent cock so far down their throat they’ve grown a second Adam’s apple from it
>>53962058The fact that it’s pretty hard to get and one of many grass-ghosts from the 3D era (Decidueye, Trevenant, Pumpkaboo, Brambleghast… why are there so many? Grass/Darks, too) probably explains it. I think everyone took one look at it, lamented that it wasn’t steel type for a few seconds, didn’t bother trying to figure out what it was and moved on.
>>53962131another one that deserves it, though I think its rarity in RSE still gives it some infamy
as does Chingling existing