Alright just copying shit from their FAQ channel
>Here is a great video on how to get used to Sky Temple and hacking EoS!>Quick and dirty tips about ExplorerScript syntax:>- All sentences should end with ;> - Except if it finishes with or is a }> - Some end with a , ... I have no idea why, but try to only use commas in those moments>- Sometimes you have ({, that finish with a }); Notice the order and the ; >A collection of some FAQ answers from the form above.>New tutorials up for the hack jam! Since you'll be adding a new Pokemon to the game in this one, I made a video on how to do that>And also how to create custom start/end points. Very helpful for differentiating from the standard Explorers of Sky boundaries.>Did you know?>Instead of using the long form for strings in scripts:>message_Monologue({> english=" Hi.",>});>you can also use this short-hand if you don't care about translations (and/or are using the US ROM):>message_Monologue(" Hi.");>New tutorial up for Hack Jam 2. This one's about how in the world Explorers of Sky handles loading your save file>Here's a series of SkyTemple scripting tutorials by @glec burrito (high)!'s all from the FAQ channel