so a lot of the wild held items have been well recieved. there have been some issues and those ones are highlighted in this image.
i also mocked up some wild held item berry suggestions. i realize not everybody can recognize berries by sight. penglacier, shibalbat, chegrin, chardinal, turkistador, and carnibal all have berries which reduce a big weakness of theirs. (fighting, ground, bug, rock, ice, and fighting again)
scovalope has two berry options, which raise either attack or special attack when it's hp gets low. this fits scovalope well as it is a mixed attacker. ALSO these berries are the two spiciest berries that exist.
leukoon has a pecha berry which cures poison, to signify it's role as an immunizer. thoraxe has a berry which reduces fire damage to further reinforce it's fire fighting role. soakoth has a chesto berry because it is probably going to sleep a lot. snogre has a berry to cure burns which is good for a hard hitting physical attacker and likely to be useful considering it's type. orangutao has a berry that cures confusion to show it's resilience of mind. forusk has a berry which cures it of freezing which it's weakness to ice makes more likely.
all of these berries would fall into the 50% hold rate or the 5% hold rate. the only exception would be the lansat berry on carnibal which would be a 1%. the reason carnibal has so many berries is to show it's unnatural hunger.
>NOTE: the pokemon shown in the image only represents the line that it comes from and does not imply that it is the sole member of it's line which will recieve one of the listed items.I.E. if the elemental dragons aren't caught in the wild then it would be their prevos who would have dragon claws.
>>17533482noted and corrected
>>17533829love it man