>>51725598>>51725598>burgerDude, your country helped liberate France, you are MORE than qualified to make educated guesses.
You know the basics about the fortification, yeah? Maginot line, basically a giant interconnected setup of turreted bunkers meant to deter Germany from trying to doing a second invasion.
It was quite literally impervious to any attack thrown at it at the time, which is why Germany ultimately had to go around the lowlands. And when I say "literally impervious", I mean that the Maginot line only fell AFTER Paris did. It had state of the art living conditions, including proper air conditioning, munitions for (from my understanding) YEARS, and a whole railway system underground incase one part of the Maginot ran out.
The Maginot would make one hell of a dungeon, now that I think about it. I mean, really, 12-16 miles of underground interconnected war time bunkers, spread across a length of 280 miles. Depending on when it would inevitably abandoned, it could be looted rather regularly as there would probably be a lot of valuable metals that are already perfectly suitable for use elsewhere.
It's like the old Roman and Greek structures being taken apart for materials.
As for a more general aside, maybe don't make a nature feels about man, but rather how the present feels about the distant past, unknowing of all of these details and only seeing what remains, with no guides to tell them what is the deal with everything there.
(Sorry, posted prematurely.)