>BLORG4 dungeons, 2 bosses. First dungeon didn't have anything special as far as I can tell. The others are interesting and fun. Second dungeon:
you often start floors closed between floors and need to leave by using Rock Smash, instead of stairs you take warp points, which may also be between walls in roms. Team is Lucario and Archen. Third dungeon:
You play as Archen, you're fast and need to avoid Muk enemies. You can find useful items like Switcher Orb, Warp Seed, Mobile Orb, etc. First boss:
Archen vs Marshadow. Lava tiles that Marshadow can walk on. You're weak, but you can defeat Marshadow using Stealth Rock. Fourth dungeon:
Enemies are based on Pokémon featured in various hacks. On floor 5 there's a key and a room with about 6 Reviver Seeds. Team is Zoroark, Magmortar and Blissey, who heals you and occasionally takes damage for you. Second boss:
Blissey and mutliple Muk. Each Muk has one Reviver Seed. Story involves a Marshadow helping two teams save the world, preventing everyone from getting turned into Muk zombies.
Download link:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/970013383250288680/PMD_BLORG_quickfix_2.xdelta(US version)