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look at him and laugh. he is a dirty fucking cheater sympathizer. how the fuck do you look at one or two players calling out a hacker and not instantly just call to ban them?
he's a fucking disgrace. a moron. a piece of shit. no one like this deserves to be on the server. there is NO reason that everyone on the server shouldn't be saying to ban a person if someone says they're hacking. the moment there is even SUSPICION of someone cheating the perpetrator should be banned on the spot. the fact this absolute retard could even think about opening his dirty whore mouth and saying a hacker shouldn't be banned is appalling.
look at him and laugh. we need to make an effort to push him and the other 20 hackers off of the server so we can keep our comfy community intact. the badmins won't take action, we as the community have to. anyone like this piece of shit needs to be banned on the spot.