>>53415019IQ shit is the most retarded cringekino.There's a couple of options.
The first is that IQ tests are close enough to identical to real life, and that the average intelligence of people is the same. A result of 200 or more is contentious, and it looks a lot like dick measuring nonsense. So Alakazam either lied to the child recording the info, which is cringe, or it knew how to cheat the test so badly as to expose it's ridiculousness, which is incredibly based.
The next option is that superintelligence is a normal power in the Pokemon world.
Being '50 times smarter' than the average person sounds impressive, but the Pokemon world is riddled with teleportation, 7 second healthcare, and is generally implied to be post-scarcity.
It might be that there are just occasionally human supergeniuses who dedicate themselves to some specific calling.
There was someone in ancient times who made the child-friendly blueprint for weightless storage from fruit and rock, for instance, which seems like pretty much the definition of world-shaping smarts.
Under this interpretation, given their affinity for it, Alakazam could have been the ones to teach humanity how to harness teleportation.