>>27147415>Make D/P remakes that follow original story>Add an Alt Episode that adds Distortion World story line that unlocks afterwardsLike even in Platinum Giratina wasn't as big of a deal as Palkia/Dialga since he's anti-matter. The Distortion World was cool as fuck, I'd love to see it in 3D and be expanded upon, but you could really easily just tack it on as an after the fact 'clean up' story arc. Being the less loved third wheel is sorta Gir's shtick anyway.
Me personally? I'd kinda like to see a sequel in the vein of Black2/White2 with Broken Time-Space being a thing. Time jumping forward or backwards in spots, entire cities being displaced to somewhere completely different. You'd have to work your way along to correct the Galactic fallout, team up with Looker and Cynthia instead of shitty Barry and the creepy Professor. Find what happened to the legendaries, put them back in their place, restore the rightful order and put back together a shattered land.
I want something like the crazy, Kyurem powered air ship literally killing people again. B2/W2 is probably the only Pokemon game where I kinda gave a shit about the story, and Galactic has so much more potential to be fucking terrifying, considering what their leader is.