To whichever dev on the team decided to place a double battle with Gyarados and Raichu on Route 210: you're a dick.
No i didn't lose anyone, but it's still a dick move.
Anyway, the Cyrus battle in the ruins went well, Klar and Zyrdon handled it well enough, and now we're on route to Canalave City.
>>50649408You'll definitely want to save some early game mons for Platinum, Shinx for Fantina at least.
Also, beware the Bidoof line, little bastards have type coverage against most of your early game team if you choose Chimchar.
>>50649544I personally count gift Pokémon separately from city encounters, but it's your game.
>>50649592>Many reasons Emboar is currently boxedThose are pretty good reasons. Good luck in grinding anon.
>>50649635Nice team. I used a Vivillon in my first X run named "Placeholder1" because i planned on switching it out later, but that didn't happen. Which pattern do you have?