>>52901285A lot of Pokemon in this game are copying moves from League of Legends characters. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if 80% of the moves here are stolen from league.
>Icicle Crash and High Horsepower is literally Ornn Q+E>Alolan Ninetales ult is literally Nunu ult>Spirit Shackle is literally Varus Q>Cinderace ult is literally Ziggs ult>Power Up Punch is literally Vi Q>Wicked Blow when charged is literally Sett W but without the CC>Cotton Guard is literally Seraphine WIf I sat down and checked every Pokemon's move I could make a more extensive list, but I'm too lazy. Hardly any of the moves in this game feel original, I can tell you that much. Reminder that Tencent owns both Pokemon Unite and League of Legends, and they bought league back in 2011.