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It's Mienfoo time!
I have 22 pentaperfect Mienfoo to give away, and 26 random 4V Mienfoo to give out once the pentas are gone. What's wrong with the pentas? Nothing, except they're not shiny. They're all completely battle ready.
The penta Mienfoo are all:
Knock Off
The random 4V are all:
4V - HABS, HADS, or ABDS. All of them have attack and speed, just minus one of the defenses.
Knock Off
About 50/50 Male/Female split. Half are nicknamed (both penta and 4V), half are not.
The pentas will be distributed first, and once they're all gone I'll say so and start giving out the 4Vs. I ended up getting my shiny, so after these are all gone there will be no more!
If you want one, put a Combee on the GTS. If you want a custom nickname, ask in the thread and put "Custom" in your description so I don't accidentally send you a regular one. If you specifically want a nicknamed/non-nicknamed one, say so in the description - otherwise, I'll distribute them randomly. If I run out of one or the other, too bad.
Have fun!