The shotgun is put down. The guy who's saved your ass from drowning is none other than a Breloom whose rough exterior comes from years and years of being hardened by the life of swamp dweller. This guy's no Handley, that's for sure.
"Mrm." he rolls a stalk of wheat around in his mouth, chewing it all thorough-like, his beady eyes studying your features.
He ultimately deduces that you are no threat to his crops.
"Mrmmm.. Yep, this guy's clean. Not a lick 'o 't beast's scent on 'im. There's no association there. Mrmmmmm. Get on back in here boy, he ain't gon' harm nobody!"
"Woof woof!~"A) The Breloom forces you to work to earn your accommodations.
B) Be treated to hot chocolate.
C) "E-Eh? That's not a Pokemon.."