Colosseum is a big part of why I never quite subscribed to the cynicism around 3D Pokemon. That first cutscene alone is packed with character and charm despite being completely voiceless.
>That smirk at the beginning>Defecting from his old gang>Espeon & Umbreon>Two Eevees who evolved via friendship, letting you know that he's got a good heart>He trusted Espeon to stand guard by the getaway bike during the heist>They ride out in the sidecar instead of inside of their Pokeballs>>46535441>I must say, I prefer Colosseum over XD because I think the atmosphere is better, and the new characters & locations in XD arent as cool to meSame.> これまでのポケモンの世界とはちょっと違う、少し背伸びしたストーリーを作りたいなというのがあって。だから主人公の年齢も17歳くらいで、服の色もややダークというか、少しお兄さんというか。内容的にも、”スナッチ”という要素が入ってきますから、いままでのポケモンワールドのイメージとはちょっと違うかもしれません。> “I wanted to create a world that was a little different, a little more grown up than the Pokémon world we’ve known up until now. That’s why the protagonist is around 17 years old, why his clothing is darker, why he’s more mature. We’re also incorporating the concept of the “Snag Machine,” so it might be a little different from the image we have of the Pokémon universe you have now.” Even playing Gale of Darkness as a youth, I always felt like it was "toned down"...You go back to playing as a kid living under his mom in slightly more familiar Pokemon territory. Though I think in some ways it works in the game's favor. Cipher has been crippled, so the Region is thriving. The kids are running a news station now, there's more Wild Pokemon, a few more colorful locations, etc.