Welcome to Ashina Castle! Our shinobi, named Champ, requires six prosthetic tools to rescue his master from Pokemon Showdown. However, Gennichirel will spread dragon herpes to slow down Champ's progress and ask Colombian popstar Shakira to release a single titled 'She-wolf' in the past to confuse Champ's associates. Will Champ rescue the Divine Heir or will Gennichirel's truthful hips break Champ's posture? Sacrifice your prayer beads at the Showderp idol to find out.
>prosthetic tools that totally weren't stolen from dead peopledogars.ml>iron code of the showderpnobihttps://pastebin.com/Q3ZKqPUa>hidden shinobi vilagehttps://discord.gg/MEEtQv>Previous resurrection>>38215124>Current one-armed ninja andromache !DMImWB5lMo