>have you ever thought about the boredom of actually working in the place where you're paid to work?no, i've never considered that once in my entire life
>>55383372that's fair, i guess it just depends on what you prioritize. for me, a game has to be primarily fun. a game can be as uninspired as possible but i wouldn't knock it as hard if it was fun to play.
so for me, the fact that this is a very blatant urmumium ripoff, still makes me rank it higher than MM just on the fact i don't have to suffer things like prison or schoolshit in this game kek, even if MM is still 'technically' better
but yeah. you're right, all of these games are worse than soulstones honestly, i don't even know why they're created other than to cause frustration and annoyance
>>55383420she doesn't have random teams, it's just her lead is random. still annoying either way
suffering on roland and isabella is not a great sign, though. i'm not sure what your team is, but if you have anything that can do setup really well i'd recommend that. i think bonfire is supposed to be a really good move, since it can buff incoming teammates