>filenameNo comment.
>>53615863>What's your favorite music from a town/dungeon/boss/etc.?I know I asked this question but it's hard for me to answer that... I would say Theme of Hope,
https://youtu.be/MCwoX6pgHO4 I really liked it.
>What would be the best/worst Pokemon to have as a partner?I would say the worst to be Psyduck because pain headache, amnesia. The best would be Snivy but that's bias because I really like Snivy.
>Grass type Pokemon, do they breathe with Oxygen or Carbon dioxide?I think their skins itself takes in Co2 and brings out O2, but the pokemon themselves breathes in O2, if that makes sense. Wait does that mean they have unlimited Oxygen?
>The villains in the games like Dusknoir, Munna, and all... would you forgive them after the main story?No. They're terrible and need to be punished. Well, maybe Gengar because he sort of learnt from his mistakes and tries to fix it.
>Other than your partner (if any), which members of the guild do you see yourself pairing up the most during a exploration in a Mystery Dungeon?I would say Lliam does his investigations alone. But if he has to bring someone, it would be someone that don't have partners, like KFC, Gus and others, and he would take the supporting role while they fight the feral mons.
>>53615987Oh I won't do that, only reference them for like one line (just filler to show that they're actually reading something)
>>53616081Heh, good story. Nice pun. I guess Ill make guildmaster unconsciously make a reddit gold joke at some point.