>>34872554Well, it'd be closest in relation to grass and poison. The only way it could squeeze in bug is if the type is called parasite, which, would aloow parasite based pokemon which usually look like bufs anyway.
For grass, it definitely has it's differences. Fungi are almost wholly dependant on another creature to survive (most of the time). You'll find they typically have a very clingy personality because of this. Fungi also need very particular environments to grow, unlike grass types where they can grow almost anywhere. They are similar, but still different.
Poison is where it could get confusing. Since there are plenty of poisonous fungi that would result in a poison type being required. Poison type would be easily the most associated with the type, so the main difference being there simply are plenty of unique, non-poisonous types. Especially the less aggressive, support ones.
Here's a rough effective list.
When I say "not effective" it is just in most cases. It would be rough, but they could usually hpld their own.