>>55685811Alex succeeds in catching Kleavor, but it's particularly disobedient, and after nearly costing him a certain situation, he gets upset and executes it in front of his entire team. I might change this to Bisharp/Kingambit beheading it if I go through with adding Kingambit.
>>55684093Cool stuff, but there's a few mistakes and stylistic errors I found.
1. The flipped version of Alex you used looks uncanny. I suggest using pic related instead.
2. AL6 and FU13 have large, unsightly spaces that I would like removed. I would prefer it looks more like AL5.
3. FU12 has a typo, "When the inevitably counter attack" should be "When the inevitable counterattack"
4. Page 173 is NOT Emily's Mawlie, it is Ayamu's special snowflake ghost Mawlie, and I reccomend that it's moved to somewhere in the Ayamu section.