>>55080498It's arguably worth it for the low level Pokémon that need boosting to level 10.
I have this shiny Riolu I want to get going despite its poor nature (Ingredients up Main Skill down), and it's level 8.
To get it to level 10, I can either use:
>24 candies and 1108 shards>12 candies and 3312 shardsI can stomach this increased shard cost since I've not got that many Lucario candies to spare.
What candy boost does is halve the candies but triple the dream shards needed to reach the same EXP gain. If you want to use the same amount of candies, you're using 6x as many shards for double the EXP gain.
Since candy costs do not scale, but shard costs do, this should only be considered for low level stuff. Otherwise you'll burn through too many shards like in