>>54826374>arbitrarily increase the price of subscriptionThey've already done that. Compare with Bank.
>$5 a year>Centralized storage for all the 3DS Pokemon games>Could put every Pokemon in any game>National Dex included (which they cut out of the main series as a selling point in Gen 7)>Could get Mystery Gifts every now and then when they gave them out>Tracks how much Pokemon you've stored to give you points that can be exchanged for BPthen Home, which:
>$15 a year>Has functionality arbitrarily split between the Switch and a mobile app because muh smartphones>Does NOT let you transfer all your Pokemon to every game (To incentivize you to keep using the app)>Includes the GTS (which they cut from the main series to serve as a selling point)>Per-game dex completion (So that you are incentivized to buy all the games and transfer Pokemon in them to HOME premium plan)All they've done is strip the series to make their triply-expensive rebrand of Bank look more appealing.