>>37723985>that following pokemon are gone?Good. Worthless waste of resources and it looked fucking retarded outside of the sprite based games.
>that the map design looks exactly like the one in SM, the most linear and hand holdy games in the series?Seeth harder. I love the way you can tell who the bitter gen 5 cucks are from a mile away. The Galar region straight up shits on Unova in terms of variety, places of interest, architecture and sheer size.
>that what have seen from the world so far is filled with fences and stuff to prevent you from going anywhere except the designated narrow hallway?Like every linear game ever. Only cucks want another bland empty open world game. Linear games have always been superior and that has never stopped being the case.
>that the trainer encounters and battles are visually exactly the same as in gen 7?And why exactly would they need to be different?
>that character customization is nowhere to be seen?No evidence of that what so ever. It's a teaser trailer showing off nothing more than the graphics, region and starters. I suppose there's no other new pokemon either because they weren't shown to? I suppose the starters aren't going to evolve because they weren't shown. I suppose there's no other NPC's other than the school girl we saw and the MCs.
What a brainlet.
>that every single texture in the game looks dated, that the models have awful visible polygons on them, and that generally the games look like low budget ps2 games?Factually untrue, the game looks exactly as good as it needs to.
Try again, non of your critiques hold any weight what so ever.