Quoted By:
Genderqueer shit, get over it
>favorite pokemon
Bug types in general
>mental disorder
Autistic as fuck. Less of the drawing super special OCs and more of the cripplingly hyper-intelligent sort.
>political beliefs
That the representative system is an in efficient system that does not do the will of the people justice. The only true answer is cycles of revolution and reconstruction from the ground up periodically to weird out corruption and stagnation.
>religious beliefs
All things are spiritual or have spirit energy. The details of an individual being's relationship with the souls around, above, or below aren't anyone else's business. God, Goddess, or Godless, we're all creatures of the same earth scouring it to find purpose and meaning.
>last pokemon game played
Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
>Most Autistic pokemon related thing ever done
I have a really long list, considering 4Chan's broad sweeping definition of 'autistic'
Probably the fact that I'm 21 and consider Pokemon my primary hobby, before programming and amateur chemistry.
>Favorite Gen
II - Johto
>Favorite Pokemon game
>Favorite Drink
Rum and Coke, or my own personal flaming cocktail called 'the Typhlosion'
>Pet Peeve
Hatred. It's a very strong word, a very strong feeling, and people allow themselves to get worked up into hating nothing. You don't like something because it's cool, or popular, or not cool, or not black, or not white. That's fine. No one is forcing you to like or take part in something you don't want to be involved with. But to HATE it is ignorance. The world can only come to completion with UNDERSTANDING.
>Favorite type in pokemon
Bugs. Many kinds of styles and designs, many uses. After that Flying, for their elegance and simplicity.
>Favorite Pokegirl
Cynthia? I guess. She seems like someone I could sit down to tea with and talk about complex ideology with.
>Favorite Villainous teams
>Thing you hate most about 4chan
Haters gonna hate.