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[14 / 3 / ?]

No.11843911 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any reason for this little shit to exist? Is there anything AT ALL positive, AT ALL redeeming, about this fucking waste of existence?

>Shitty Typing
>Shitty Movepool
>Shitty Design
>129 Sp. Attack and fucking NOTHING to use it on; rest of stats worthless
>Part of an already pointless filler trio
>Flat character with annoying as anus voice in a pointless movie
>Unicorn design attracts flocks of bronies (as if Rapidash didn't do that enough)
>Only obtainable through event

I'm not gonna lie. I know Gen 5 gets a lot of flack for overall shitty Pokemon. I'm usually one to defend them. But this useless piece of garbage? This is where I draw the line. I honestly have no idea what made GameFreak/Nintendo think that THIS was a good idea.

I honestly hope the X/Y legendaries don't get any worse than this.