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No.12464757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /vp/, I dont often come here due to the reason/question I'm about to pose to you.

Do any of you play these games honestly 'just for fun'?

Now, before you answer, I don't consider researching the best team, with the correct natures, correct moveset, bred via a fucking specifically levelled pokemon, and with specific ivs, just so it can fuck someone else's pokemon so hard in the ass that nurse joy will be able to explore the cave that is your opponent's blastoise's asshole, to be playing a game for fun. Thats alot of work just for a game.

So I guess my real question is, do any of you actually play pokemon games without using tactics, planning, and without hate for pokemon that just dont have the right moves or aren't the strongest, just no pressure, a leisurely stroll and battles in the pokemon world? (and I exclude nuzlocke from this)

For example, I have played pokemon from every generation and no matter what, i always have bulbasaur-venusaur as my main bro no matter what, just because i like him, sometimes i just catch pokemon purely on looks and just mess about.

Just to clarify, I'm not hating people who do like to fuck blastoise's ass with an overpowered pokemon, and if you enjoy training your pokemon to do so, that's great for you.