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No.14276011 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
let me get this straight
everything thats been added this gen
everything GF tried to fix
the generally liked designs

all of that is voided by the fact that 70 pokemon is all we may get this gen

and let me remind you that more can be add through DLC.
>just so some sperglord doesn't pop in and say hurr durr they said no DLC
they said no DLC for BALANCE more content is not balance.
the game is 1.7 Gb and could be expanded up to 16Gb though I know that's a stretch but its possible

and even without DLC if this is GF big fuck up to equal out all the good they did this gen then I'd gladly take it.
and besides its not like we didn't see this coming eventually, and if less new pokemon means more gameplay content per generation I think thats a fair trade