[27 / 1 / ?]
Breeding projects! Share your breeding projects, ask questions about others. Mine's a hasty protean froakie, finally got a good one:>Male, Hasty, Protean, iv: outstanding: Hp, attack, sp.attack, sp.def, speed Hidden Power: Ghost This took 11 generations of incest. It definetely feels good to have it, breeding and ev-training have become the right mix of work and results for me with X and Y. Planning on running this with Life Orb, Hydro pump Ice Beam Hidden power(ghost) U-turn I got one with the same stuff except no perfect s.defense IV but the same hidden power but only have 3ds accesible internet during the weekends.
tyrone 3668-8499-4530
Working on a froakie myself, got one with 5 IVs but i still want to breed more til i get an omanyte. that way i can egg breed it toxic spikes.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:13:46 No. 14969782 Report >>14969689 yeah I'm keeping my breeding pair for when more egg moves show up.
tyrone 3668-8499-4530
>>14969782 yeah, also that infograph is wrong now. Egg moves can be taught through both parents. I think a new meta strat would be teaching azumarill aqua and belly drum now. and keeping the parents is important anyway so I can have different variations.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:17:56 No. 14969914 Report Quoted By:
>>14969861 it's the old graph yeah, I know about the egg moves since I used a safari male protean and a safari ditto as first generation. Don't know if there's a new one made yet.
Leon - 3969-4803-6478 (Gloom - Garbodor)
You sure have a lot of patience. My head hurts of just thinking all I have to do to get a Timid Protean Froakie with just Sp.Atk and Speed at 31... And then with every single member of my team. Kudos to you, anon.
I'm trying to get a 5 IV Proakie for the last two days. Both parents have 4 IVs, it shouldn't take that much time, this is hard...
So, i have a question, to get head smash on Aggron i need to get it from Craniados. Does this mean i can breed it onto aron once and then use that aron to keep breeding more head smash arons? Or do i NEED to breed it from a craniados every single time?
Sven 2723-9703-3536 (Audino, Dunsparse, Ditto)
Sven 2723-9703-3536 (Audino, Dunsparse, Ditto) Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:22:24 No. 14970067 Report I'm trying to breed a Larvitar in gen 5 so I can move tutor Superpower onto the guy. Assault Vest Tyranitar's looking to be a beast. So far, my best is: 28/31/26/6/26/28 Decent considering I don't have access to my 6th gen dittos nor my destiny knot. Should I keep this one?
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>>14970067 If you're in gen 5 just RNG it or hack it.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:24:10 No. 14970130 Report >>14969947 >>14969959 Well it took like a hundred eggs, the important thing is to use D.knot+everstone and the right breeding pair.
Starting with safari pokémon is always a good idea too, if you can get one with 3 perfect ivs(not too rare) you're already off to a great start. I also have a box filled with 3 perfect ivs dittos all named after their perfect stats. It makes breeding easier.
Also get a flame body volcarona, it makes breeding so much easier. I just traded a ditto for a 30 jpn larvesta then used lucky egg and o-power for exp+share and ran league twice and it hit 60 and evolved.
That's pretty much all the advice I can give you.
What are acceptable IVs for competitive battle? How big of a disadvantage would you be if your Pokemon didn't have perfect IVs for the stats you want?
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>>14970150 In speed it could mean the difference between going first and second if the base speed is the same but your IV value is different.
So it can be a pretty big fucking deal
>>14970130 >Volcarona for flame body Use talonflame so you have fly.
This way you can fly to the IV guy anytime you want.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:29:33 No. 14970308 Report Quoted By:
>>14970260 I didn't know talonflame had acces to it, didn't use it in my run though people seem to like him. Volcarona can fly as well though, but talonflame is definetely easier to get.
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Just bred an Adamant Gale Wing Fletchling with outstanding IV's in HP, Attack, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed. Pretty happy about that, only took some odd 20 eggs too.
>>14969402 I hatched one that's female with hidden ability and HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Atk, Spd IVs maxed.
I'm a tad bummed because it was my first egg and after about 30 none have had more than 3 IVs maxed I also wanted a male to do Masuda with.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:35:27 No. 14970511 Report Well I checked again and it turns out my 5 iv one has hp dark, the one with the 4 stats still has ghost though, I must've clicked the wrong one earlier. The 4 stats one still has a good s.def/def on first sight so I'll take him under my wing, ghost protean is neat and the most important stats have perfect ivs so I'm happy.
I can always continue breeding later if I feel the need to.
>>14970430 Man ur lucky my female breeder has 4 perfects and dismal Hp. Sucks you haven't gotten over 3 after that though, are your males soft? I wish I had online acces on my 3ds during the week, I'd borrow you one of mine.
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Could use some advice, I got a ditto with every nature except rash, will I need rash or should I just start breeding my little monsters?
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:36:46 No. 14970552 Report Quoted By:
>>14970052 if it's a male arond with headsmash his babbys will learn it I think, though I read on serebii females can also give eggmoves now.
Tom: 2766-8483-2205 (drowzee duosion esspurr )
Tom: 2766-8483-2205 (drowzee duosion esspurr ) Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:39:21 No. 14970642 Report Quoted By:
>>14970067 can you add me?
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>>14970511 The males are lacking in IVs. I could always breed myself a better male with Dittos but as I said I'm trying for Masuda so my own Froakies wouldn't work with my near perfect female.
Cophi - 0705 3355 8968
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>>14970052 I'm interested in this project as well, Anon
I have a headsmash Aron in SoulSilver but waiting for the Bank is killing me
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>getting last 3 power items to have all >have everstone & destiny knot >have dittos of every good nature >have dittos with different but all stats maxed in iv's Is this everything I need for a complete breeding lab?
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So when are we gonna get a guide like OP image but for the current gen?
leadz 0903-3178-9326 | dwebble, magcargo, shuckle
leadz 0903-3178-9326 | dwebble, magcargo, shuckle Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:32:38 No. 14974987 Report Quoted By:
Due to some IV questions left to see if my froakie's other attributes are usable or shit: The lvl 50 upscaling is using the IVs and all, right? Can you do lvl 100 fights?