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Larvitar/Skiddo giveaway

No.15632675 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /vp/, after a ton of breeding got some boxes full of these guys, so, I'm giving away all the 4 perfect IV larvitars and skiddos (larvs are all adamant/guts, some of them got waldo cobblestones as egg move, the skiddos are all careful/sip sapper)

I got a ton of 5 perfect IV too, most of larvs are 31/31/31/X/31/31 (5 with sneaky pebbles) and
one 31/31/X/31/31/31 with sneaky pebbles. Skiddos are quite mixed stats, so if you want one, ask me if I got the combination that you desire. I'm willing to trade the 5 perf IV pokemons for something good (I'm thinking just in 5 perf IV pokes, just offer, I might accept)