Quoted By:
Does anybody have any Lure ball Lapras?
Quoted By:
looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>18738666 All the moves that spinda has are egg moves.
and i forgot to breed assist onto it. ;__;
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18738689 I always can breed it with it hahaha
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>18738731 way to fuck the green text and the attempt to spoiler dumb faggot
how about you do something better with your life instead of hatching eggs like a loser. instead of breeding pokemon why dont you go out and breed with a different OT yourself
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
Quoted By:
>>18738716 1.JORDAN
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 04 Apr 2014 03:22:55 No. 18738794 Report Quoted By:
new format for my giveaway
http://pastebin.com/rQ8nfduV same as before, take what you want but pls be as specific with what you want or ill just give you a random one
Quoted By:
>>18738716 4 is cuntmaster general aka Cosmic
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
6xF Dream Ball HA Pachirisu (Timid w/ Follow Me, Bestow, Fake Tears, Ion Deluge) 4xF Dream Ball HA Gible (Jolly w/ Thrash, Sand Tomb, Outrage, Iron Head) 2xF Dream Ball HA Lileep (Relaxed w/ Curse, Mirror Coat, Recover, Stealth Rock) 1xF Dream Ball HA Eevee (Impish w/ Synchronoise, Wish) 1xF Dream Ball HA Illumise (Bold w/ Encore, Bug Buzz, Baton Pass) 2xF 2xM Premier Ball Skorupi (Jolly w/ Agility, Poison Tail, Whirlwind) 2xF 2xM Luxury Ball HA Murkrow (Adamant w/ Brave Bird, Confuse Ray, Whirlwind) 2xF Nest Ball Solosis (Quiet w/ Acid Armor, Confuse Ray) (0 Speed IV) All 4 IVs. Pls take.They also come with random berries because I have too many of them
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>18738774 What attempt to spoiler?
But outside is where all the rapists are, and i don't want to get my anus enlarged.
I prefer to stay at home, in a dark corner crouched in the fetal position playing pokmeon, drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos.
>>18738817 gib pachirisu, get audino
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18738817 I'm discing for Illumise
Does anyone have a Kalos-born, Kalos-dex, "battle-ready" Pokemon, with a suggested moveset, ability and Nature that ISN'T a newborn that they're willing to give away? I know it sounds stupid, but I really need one.
Quoted By:
>>18738817 I'll take Solosis.
Quoted By:
>>18738817 I'll take a Solosis. Thank you!
>>18738827 How many pokemon do you fucking need you fucking spic. Every fucking time a list is posted you jump to jew their shit off. Why dont you contrbute and post something good, fucking shithead
Quoted By:
>>18738817 I'll take Lileep
Leo 0232-8020-3632
Quoted By:
>>18738817 discing for lileep. thanks!
If anyone has leftover adamant aron with head smash and superpower that would be awesome, pretty sure a guy in the last thread had some but not sure if he's still here ill be putting up luvdisc
Rebooting my list, its back up to date, now including swinubs!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlhBTo3ktpTLdEk2VklnZnFlZ2hrSGFNZHBabmt6MGc#gid=0 >>18738876 Well this is jewing general, so I don't see your point.
>>18738932 You don't have ancient powers on the Swinubs?
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18738932 discing for charmander! Thanks.
>>18738939 Piloswine knows ancientpower automatically. Just evolve from Swinub to Piloswine ant take it to the move relearner.
>>18738952 Sent.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18738932 Discing up for a Vullaby.
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18738982 Well no I feel stupid, Thank you for informing me
>>18738817 Thanks for Lileep
and Kee Berry >>18738932 Can I have Scyther and Vullaby?
Gonna disc first for Scyther
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18738932 Disc is up for Swinub in just a moment thank you
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18739015 >>18739035 Disc for Swinub is up ty
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18739035 Thanks.
Why don't you go on weefeegee anymore Aegis
>>18739035 Hey mal. Could I get a scyther in a sport ball please.
Also how important is HP ice on for Treecko?
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18739110 oh hey Aegis! I haven't been on for the past two days.
I'm the treecko guy
>>18739074 wfg got way too slow and theres a lot more shitposting
at least thats what I remember . For a while I was to wfg as Opti is to these threads, and I just kinda got tired of being a random target for shitposting.
Also Lima is an asshole >>18739008 >>18739065 Sent
>>18739110 Sent. I think that Sceptile has decent enough coverage that he doesn't have to rely on a 60 bp ice attack, but it wouldn't hurt to have.
Quoted By:
Looking for an Electrike My love disc is named Loveme4ever My name is kragon
>>18739140 Finally the cause of my suffering, I have a penta waiting for you. Disc up bitch. .
>>18739149 Thanks
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18739173 thaaaaank you so much. These past few days have been hell, haven't been able to get to a computer. sorry I left ya in the dark, your efforts are greatly apreciated. Discing now.
>>18739140 Also you want a nickname on the little guy?
>>18739204 You need one for your friend too right?
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18739207 >>18739215 no thanks. I'll breed from here on out.
>>18738896 No superpower but 4 egg moves incoming. Isn't super power tutor only?
>>18739226 I'll see if i have a female with unburden to send.
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18739242 Female incoming only 2 egg moves though and 4 iv last unburden female I could part with.
Quoted By:
Anyone have any male Buneary's with Baton Pass, and 4 or more IVs?
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739110 Well... Flying types? I don't remember It's special movepool, but maybe it's for it. I must check it, though. Special white herb+leaf storm unburden Tile?
>>18739260 Hey man sorry for the battle request, i forget youre breeding and giving away. Let me know when you want to battle
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
I see there's a ton of Lileeps available, I would love to have one. Will give it a nice home.
>>18739347 EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
- Nature Power
- Energy Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power
Thinking normal gem to proc unburden.
Ice covers grass,dragon,flying
>>18739356 Didn't even see it man. I actually have to get shit done right now. Can't battle at the moment, I'll be semi-following the thread.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18739149 That's too bad. The threads have been pretty calm lately, but also dead. I can't see Lima being mean.
>>18739238 Yup I do.
>>18739390 Im going to put up a lovedisk named Loveme4ever
for gible if that cool doing it now
Quoted By:
>>18739468 I lied it will be named LoveMeMore
Have these up for grabs: 7 HA Luxury Ball Gothita 12 TImer Ball Larvesta 11 Dream Ball Chansey Disc up and reply if interested.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739383 Nature power... Does it become tri attack or am I recalling wrong ? (I mean, on in game online battles). Sorry, I forgot Dragon pulse is no longer a TM. With it, I'm pretty sure hp fire should work better on it. Yeah, since you can't get DP, HP ice is optimal for the reasons you give
>>18739502 If you have a female Chansey that Calm or bold i would love it
My loveDisk is named Allnightlove
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18739548 We don't need to know your Luvdics name bro just your in game name
>>18739383 No problem, I thought i had interrupted you in the game. Let me know when you can, ill use the time to train...which i need
>>18739561 my bad my name is kragon
>>18739529 yeah becomes Tri attack, also I have Dragon breath as an egg move on the line.
>>18739567 Use the time to become a pokemon master and defeat the elite 4.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739543 Ty anon... That makes sense, with normal gem...
>>18739561 Nah, it's the same. We can identify the luvdisc that way too!
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18739582 >We can identify the luvdisc that way too! Unless someone uses the same nickname and snipes.
ozymandias 1048-9748-5497 (will add anyone)
ozymandias 1048-9748-5497 (will add anyone) Fri 04 Apr 2014 04:38:20 No. 18739597 Report Quoted By:
>>18738615 thanks a bunch!
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
Quoted By:
>>18739593 That sounds like a lot of effort for no reward
>>18738817 Hey by any chance do you have a male jolly Gible?
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739581 Fair enough. I think I asked for a female unburden treecko yesterday, but don't remember who said it would deliver...
was it you...? >>18739593 Anon, that's not likely to happen. Zach is wright, too much work and no reward.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18739646 Nope sorry. I usually release all the males I hatch.
>>18739647 I'm the guy who bred up the lines. If you ever get a treecko from these threads it's probably descended in some way from the 2iv male I had as a starting point. It was a bitch to breed up this stuff but it was a nice challenge. I've given out all the unburden females I could. I can give you a penta male though. modest nature on the line.
Quoted By:
>>18739697 dang np thanks for checking
Quoted By:
>>18739581 Trust me, I will for you
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Quoted By:
>>18739368 Forgot to mention, I'd like a female Lileep. Looking at Mal's Giveaway doc right now.
>>18739729 I would love that 5 IV treeko male modest if your willing to throw it up
ill put lovedisk
my name Kragon
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739729 Well... Sounds good. Thing is, I was trying to breed it myself from a 2 iv male one, but HA and female didn't occur. With a 5 iv male, I can at least have real hopes for a penta perfect! So, sure... Sounds good!
>>18739800 When I say penta I mean penta-perfect. The last 8 or so treeckos I've given out that were not female were pentas. I got a hexa and a hp ice one I don't need the pentas. Also theres something that feels good about giving out pentas. You want a nick on this guy?
Quoted By:
>>18739798 If you are kyle then you have a 5iv missing def incoming.
2 days of bank left (and I don't plan on buying a license), clearing out my storage:
Timer Ball Pawniard (Adamant 4–5IV)
Defiant: 1M, 1F (the female is in a Premier Ball and needs to relearn egg moves)
Inner Focus: 1M, 4F
Pressure (HA): 2M, 2F
Egg Moves: Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Quick Guard, Stealth Rock
Other stuff I don't need
(most are not bred by me) Female Luxury Ball Karrablast (Brave 4IV, Swarm, w/ Pursuit, Knock Off, Drill Run, Megahorn)
Female Luxury Ball Marill (Adamant 5IV -SpA, Thick Fat, w/ Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Japanese)
Female Sport Ball Scyther (Adamant 5IV -Spe, Swarm, w/ Defog)
Female Ultra Ball Minccino (Jolly 4IV, Skill Link, w/ Knock Off)
Female Gible (Jolly 4IV, Sand Veil, w/ Outrage, Iron Tail, Dragon Rage, Japanese)
Female Lileep (Modest 5IV -SpD, Storm Drain, w/ Stealth Rock, Mirror Coat, Recover)
Female Tentacool (Calm 5IV -Spe, Clear Body, w/ Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Acupressure)
Female Tentacool (Calm 4IV, Clear Body, w/ Mirror Coat, Aqua Ring)
Male Aron (Adamant 4IV, Rock Head, w/ Curse, Superpower, Head Smash, Japanese)
Male Turtwig (Adamant 5IV 0Atk, w/ Seed Bomb, Superpower)
Male Dratini (Adamant 5IV -Atk, Marvel Scale, w/ Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Japanese)
Male Net Ball Froakie (Jolly 5IV -Atk, Protean)
Male Karrablast (Adamant 5IV -SpA, w/ Knock Off, Drill Run, Megahorn, Japanese)
Please specify which ability/gender you want and put up a disc.
>>18738817 Gah, I needed those Illumise/Solosis.
;__; >>18738896 Don't trell me Aegis sniped you with inferior non-Superpower Aron.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739835 Mmm no, no nickname! Ty!
So... How will we do this? Are we acquaintances ?
>>18739940 You can just throw up a lucdisc.
>>18739942 Wow you sniping scum. Were its other egg moves good at least?
inb4 Dragon Rush. Stomp, Screech, Smelling Salts Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18739956 It's up you good sir! Ty!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>18739918 May put up a disc for that Scyther, please? The female in the Sport Ball?
Pike - 2492 4995 1712
Quoted By:
>>18739918 Could I please have that lileep?
Quoted By:
>>18740019 incoming
>>18740006 Hmm I just realized I know next to nothing about how aron is actually used. One of the first things I bred. Naive nature rock head. Missing def iv Curse/Stealth Rocks/Headsmash/Endeavor.
I may have to update the line.
>>18739918 Presssure Male Pawniard
name Kyle or Kragon
Lovedisk Up
Quoted By:
>>18740101 I meant my in game name is Kyle just to clearify
Quoted By:
>>18739918 Would also love that turtwig too
Lovedisk up
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Hi guys! Here check this list and ask for anything you want in the amount you want
Quoted By:
>>18740228 I'll take a Koffing.
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18740228 I'll take a marill if it has huge power and if it's a female.
by the way does anyone have a female frillish (in something other than a reg. pokeball) they can spare? I'd greatly appreciate it.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18740343 Yes they are put up that disc
Quoted By:
>>18740366 would like a female koffing please
>>18740228 wouldnt mind the snowrunt if still avail
IGN kyle
lovedisk is up
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:02:24 No. 18740455 Report >>18740366 oops forgot ign
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18740455 >>18740442 Can't see your discs guys :/
JW: Has Ivory been here in the not-too-distant past?
>>18740467 if my IGN isnt working my lovedisk is named somebodylove
my IGN is kyle
lovedisk named Sombodylove
for snowrunt thanks if you dont find me dont stress it
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18740467 just saw and I got sniped, may I put another up?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18740468 He was here a few days ago if you consider that recently
>>18740468 He was here on Tuesday, Im waiting on Ayame to show up also
>>18740228 Disc is up for your best Foongus.
>>18738932 Still here? I'd like that Chimchar.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18740478 You got sniped no doubt about it
>>18740481 Go ahead
Cuan i send you a foongus
Quoted By:
>>18740486 Yes. I consider that recent. I haven't kept up with the GTS for a couple of weeks.
>>18740489 Best of luck in the waiting game.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:15:22 No. 18740545 Report any one wants a heavy ball snorlax then?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18740545 >Crickets I guess Aegis and the snorlax craving parade aren't around tonight
>>18740545 .....Yes....
>>18740591 Clam your tits I have to carve out my liver.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
Quoted By:
>>18740619 Since it appears that you have some experience in the field, How does one calm his/her tits?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:27:43 No. 18740644 Report >>18740591 >>18740619 i'll clone this one:
Munchlax (F) - Brave - Thick Fat -
Quoted By:
>>18740545 Yeah, I want one.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
>>18738932 Is it alright if i grab a charmander and scyther?
Quoted By:
>>18740644 Awesome thank you man.
>Seel - Love Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x2 Hydration females >Seel - Moon Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >Buizel - Fast Ball/Jolly w/Baton Pass, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Switcheroo x1 female >Eevee - Heal Ball/Bold w/Wish x5 females > Eevee - Nest ball/Jolly/HA x1 female >Scraggy - Timer Ball/Careful/Shed Skin w/Low Kick, Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Fake Out x2 males, x8 females >Koffing - Heavy Ball/Bold w/Toxic Spikes, Stockpile, Pain Split, Swallow x7 females >Chansey - Dream Ball/Bold/Serene Grace w/Seismic Toss, Counter, Gravity, Aromatherapy x1 female >Bouffalant - Luxury Ball/Adamant w/Iron Head x5 Reckless females, x8 Sap Sipper females >Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly w/Bullet Punch, HJK, Blaze Kick, Crunch - Both HA and Non-HA, most female, a few males. Too many of them. Got tired of editing that image over and over. Disc up if you want something. I'll only be here for a lil bit tonight
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18740745 A BOUFFALANT! Can I get a reckless?
>>18740745 Bouffalant Pls
IGN kyle
Lovedisk name Somebodylove
putting up now
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18740745 Disc for Bouffalant with Sap Sipper
>>18740773 Do you have an ability preference?
>>18740769 Of course, disc up!
These are fresh from the daycare.
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
>>18740745 Could I get a Bold Wish Eevee? Disc is up, named /vp/.
Thank you!
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:44:43 No. 18740792 Report >>18740745 Hi Ramona! Me again! May I have a female Reckless Bouffalant please?
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:44:59 No. 18740794 Report >>18740745 Could I steal the chansey? was about to start working on one, this would be great. Disc is up
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:45:47 No. 18740801 Report >>18740773 :^)
Heavy ball snorlax
Brave - Thick Fat -
knows Whirlwind, Double-Edge, Self-Destruct & Curse
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:46:04 No. 18740805 Report Quoted By:
>>18740501 Can I still get one of those swinubs or are you out?
Quoted By:
>>18740788 no not really but witch ever you think is better
>>18740745 Disc up for a Bouffalant, thanks
>>18740745 Whats up
Well what to jew from you tonight. Ill take the chansey and both eevee nest and love. and a love ball seel
did you screencap the shit from last night's threads/spoiler] Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:47:21 No. 18740822 Report Quoted By:
>>18740801 My liver is up.
>>18740745 Disc up for Bouffalant w/Reckless
Thank you
>>18740817 I don't like you.
>>18740801 would love that if willing for . . . . im out of disks SHIT ummm willing to do for a slakof? ill place one up
>>18740842 Go fish some up lazy
Quoted By:
>>18740842 IGN is Kyle
im the guys puttin up slakof
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:50:25 No. 18740861 Report Quoted By:
>>18740842 dont be lazy anoon
>>18740769 >>18740790 >>18740773 >>18740785 >>18740794 >>18740792 Sent!
>>18740811 >>18740834 Sorry for the delay, gettin to your discs soon. I'm trying to go in order
>>18740817 Chansey is gone, sorry. But disc up for the eevees.
IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18740852 lol kk fishing just didnt want to miss
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:52:54 No. 18740889 Report >>18740872 Thank you Ramona! You saved me a lot of time.
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18740745 can I get a Heal Ball Eevee? Female?
>>18740872 No prob. Thank you
>>18740801 Disc up for one heavy female
Thanks as always Pan
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 06:55:08 No. 18740910 Report IGN Kyle
>>18740801 okay its up for munchlax heavyball brave thinkfat
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Quoted By:
>>18740801 disc up male please
>>18740745 I want a Bouffalant
with Soundproof ;__; Seriously, I checked my stash and found that I have a Dream Ball Bouffalant with several egg moves but no HA Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18740915 It's a Snorlax not munchlax
IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
Just wanted to say thank you for all the help tonight
Quoted By:
>>18740910 Oh, sorry.
Disc is up for Snorlax now
>>18740927 That is truly suffering. Someone was actually here yesterday looking for a soundproof bouffalant.
Why though, honestly? Sap Sipper and Reckless both seem to be better abilities.
Also, balltism >>18740891 Sent!
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Quoted By:
>>18740872 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>18740817 Don't see your discs, still want those eevees?
>>18740872 Thats fine im moe interested in the love ball seel. Didnt know who to reply to
>>18740835 ill disc up for the hydration seel and bouffalant thanks
Quoted By:
>>18740965 I ditched the tripcode so there are bound to be some imposters. What can ya do I guess. >>18740825 >that disc I chuckled
>>18740944 Because it's pretty much impossible to get legitly with Dream World having shut down, and will be even harder if fakeGTS goes down too. Ramona
>>18740975 Yeeah, that's likely happening in May isn't it?
I need to get all the shit I want from pokecheck before then.
If you see an HA bouffalant on there that looks good, I'll snatch it next time I go shopping >>18740965 Sent seel, disc for bouf!
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18740745 can I get a female heavy ball koffing?
Quoted By:
>>18740988 Thank you, disc has been sent.
Venonat: 3 females, moon ball, timid. Egg moves: baton pass, giga drain, toxic spikes and morning sun.
Buizel: quick and repeat ball, water veil, jolly. Egg moves: switcheroo, me first, aqua tail, baton pass.
Skrelp: dive ball, modest. Egg moves: venom drench, toxic spikes, haze and acid armor.
Both genders available for all of the above.
Older leftovers here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aib40_dafTLYdEFmelpsN3VPUXlMUUxyVmM1R2xSN3c&usp=sharing Aegis
Quoted By:
>>18740910 ;_; It's beautiful.
>>18740965 Bouffalant sent!
I have x2 Reckless and x4 Sap Sipper left.
>>18741006 Sure thing, disc up.
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:08:05 No. 18741019 Report >>18740801 disc up if any left. male please
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:08:21 No. 18741020 Report >>18741015 discing up for a venonat
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:09:23 No. 18741029 Report Cuan
>>18740988 I'll make another list then. Here's one thing already with a hard-to-get egg move combo:https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=461855 I'd also love an illegal HA Level Ball Illumise >>18741015 Going to disc up for Venonat.
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:10:30 No. 18741040 Report >>18741015 ill take the mawile please
IGN Kyle
>>18740745 If any seel is still avail i would like one
Love disk is up
>>18741018 I'll take a sap sipper please.
>>18741018 I would like a bouffalant please. Reckless.
Quoted By:
>>18741041 Yep! Would you prefer love or moon ball?
>>18741031 Go for it. I can't guarantee when I'll get it done but it'll be before May, or whenever the servers are shutting down.
>>18741006 Sent!
>>18741015 Does one of your Venonat have Tinted Lens? I'd prefer that to Compund Eyes, which becomes Shield Dust on evolution.
>>18740745 Disc up for a female Scraggy
Thanks again
IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18741031 Disc for Venonat pls
putting disk up now
>>18741046 >>18741051 >>18741072 Sent!
>>18741041 Tried to send but it said already traded, re-disc?
>>18741029 Discing for one of those snorlax as well if you don't mind.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:20:05 No. 18741128 Report Ramona
Quoted By:
>>18741040 Sent. But I just realised the Mawile doesn't have fire fang, sorry.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:26:20 No. 18741187 Report anyone have any swinubs with thickfat? I don't care about IV's I can breed it with my dittos. It's ironic that I ask for one when Piloswine is in my friend safari
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18741015 disc going up for a venonat, gender is irrelevant just like the egg moves
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:29:05 No. 18741216 Report >>18741187 I do, but it's level 18 (breeding leftoers) I you are fine with it, disc up
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:30:19 No. 18741229 Report >>18741015 Could I get a Skrelp?
Update: >>Seel - Love Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >>Seel - Moon Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >>Buizel - Fast Ball/Jolly w/Baton Pass, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Switcheroo x1 female >>Eevee - Heal Ball/Bold w/Wish x3 females >> Eevee - Nest ball/Jolly/HA x1 female >>Scraggy - Timer Ball/Careful/Shed Skin w/Low Kick, Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Fake Out x2 males, x7 females >>Koffing - Heavy Ball/Bold w/Toxic Spikes, Stockpile, Pain Split, Swallow x6 females >>Bouffalant - Luxury Ball/Adamant w/Iron Head x1 Reckless female, x3 Sap Sipper females >>Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly w/Bullet Punch, HJK, Blaze Kick, Crunch - Both HA and Non-HA, most female, a few males. Too many of them. Last call before I go to sleep.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:30:45 No. 18741235 Report Quoted By:
>>18741216 that's fine disc up in a moment
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:31:59 No. 18741247 Report >>18741231 Buizel please? The female if possible.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:35:26 No. 18741273 Report Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Quoted By:
Thank you for the Snorlax
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:37:33 No. 18741285 Report >>18741249 Disc is up!
>>18741263 Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>18741199 Hows about doing a late night giveaway
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:38:24 No. 18741295 Report >>18741128 Oh man I hope I didn't miss this one. Disc going up.
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:39:12 No. 18741299 Report >>18741273 Here you go. It has 4 Egg moves if you want, but you need to use move relearner
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:39:49 No. 18741304 Report Quoted By:
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:40:29 No. 18741309 Report Quoted By:
>>18741128 Snorlax in Heavy Ball? I'm game! Hope it's still actual.
>>18741296 Thanks!
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have a female dreamball corphish? I remember someone MMing them a while back and having a shitton, but somehow I didn't grab one.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:41:55 No. 18741318 Report Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:43:23 No. 18741332 Report >>18741318 Oh I thought you were doing Munchlax from the pic. Changing it.
Quoted By:
>>18741231 Alright, heading out. Night guys
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:45:03 No. 18741342 Report Quoted By:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:47:06 No. 18741356 Report Quoted By:
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 07:48:40 No. 18741366 Report >>18741249 Are you still here, Katherine? I would absolutely LOVE Analytic Elgyem, I've been trying to get one for some time with no avail. Female if possible.
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 08:12:42 No. 18741511 Report >>18741479 Great! You have no idea how much you helped me!
Also, I don't wanna be too greedy, but could I also get that Omanyte if you still have it...?
>>18741511 No problem, go ahead.
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 08:18:37 No. 18741531 Report >>18741523 It's there. Thanks again!
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 08:21:23 No. 18741538 Report I will be here for about next hour, if anything from that list interests you, hit me up
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t1lfXwerPNMlkFp8vc4BYVcj_fVWRNCrNCtztUadYQQ/edit They have rather random IVs, on average 3-4 Perfect IVs, you will need to rebreed them
Quoted By:
>>18741531 Sent, you're welcome
>>18741538 Disc up for a Tangela, thanks
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 04 Apr 2014 08:38:07 No. 18741611 Report >>18741538 I'm interested in a Pineco if you wouldn't mind. Disc is up.
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 08:52:49 No. 18741665 Report Quoted By:
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Fri 04 Apr 2014 09:01:05 No. 18741687 Report Quoted By:
>>18741538 Alright, I'm going.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 09:57:54 No. 18741883 Report I bred some Nest balls Modest Compound Eyes Scatterbugs with 5IVs (no Att). Sadly all of them are males I have some female leftovers but they are 5IVs no speed, with a Quiver Dance build those shouldn't be a problem. These will be Vivillon like pic related
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:09:03 No. 18741918 Report >>18741911 Male or female?
>>18741883 Discing up for a teary-eyed Vivillon.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:12:40 No. 18741932 Report >>18741920 Sent you a male one since they have the needed IVs already :) Enjoy!
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:14:57 No. 18741941 Report Quoted By:
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18741883 Another to my collection! Discing up!
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:27:59 No. 18741979 Report >>18741962 These are scatterbugs bro, change your disc
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ] Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:28:12 No. 18741981 Report >>18741883 Discing up for a male. Thanks! Can I take a female too afterwards? (only if you have a lot anyway)
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18741979 ohh. right rediscing. thanks!
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:32:52 No. 18741996 Report >>18741981 >>18741988 Sent! Stef disc for the female :)
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ] Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:39:49 No. 18742041 Report >>18741996 Great, thanks a lot! Disc is up.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 10:45:51 No. 18742060 Report Quoted By:
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:15:41 No. 18742128 Report Guys guys guys guys! I got this! Looks like making pokémon to give away have its perks! No Sp. Def but I think that with a Quiver Dance set, it won't matter that much, or at least I hope...
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18742128 Ooooh, what will the shiny evolved form look like?
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:26:48 No. 18742164 Report >>18742132 >>18742138 Thanks!
>>18742154 It will look like womething like this
>>18742154 They have the same wing pattern but the body remains white. Someone I don't remember who on here has like 6 of them shiny.
>>18742164 >>18742167 Ahh, I was wondering whether it being a shiny would affect the wing colours at all. Because then dang think of trying to collect all patterns both shiny and non-shiny.
Looks fab, Kuro. Congrats!
>>18742128 Congratz on the shiny!
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:31:16 No. 18742178 Report Quoted By:
>>18742167 Yeah the shiny version only changes the black body to a white one, the pattern color doesn't change
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:31:58 No. 18742182 Report I've always wanted to try to do a Vivillion collection but it just seems to so daunting.
>>18742171 Just wait for them to start releasing event patterns.
>>18742188 NooooOOOOOoooOOOooooOOOOoooOOO
>>18742182 It's actually not that bad to get most of it done. Sandstorm and Ocean are by far the hardest to get.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:37:40 No. 18742210 Report >>18742175 Thanks! :)
>>18742182 Getting a non-shiny collection is pretty easy with the help of /vp/.
Bumping my mons:
Nest balls Modest Compound Eyes Scatterbugs with 5IVs (no Att). Sadly all of them are males
I have some female leftovers but they are 5IVs no speed, with a Quiver Dance build those shouldn't be a problem.
These will be Archpelago Vivillons when evolved
I also have 5IVs Jolly Moxie Pinsirs with Quick Attack and Closed Combat
>>18742203 Do you think this is a game?
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:44:11 No. 18742222 Report >>18742210 Guess I should get started then. Discing up for Scatterbug! I've gotten a few foreign ones wondertrading away my 500 Exeggcute so I can try evolving a few of those as well.
>>18742209 Icy Snow is harder based on the population of the regions (the northern-most parts of Canada and Norway, Finland and some parts of Russia) that get it. But obviously, people started to fake their regions for Vivillon purposes. But the others rank pretty highly too.
I think Ocean is actually the pattern with the largest geographical area, but of course there's a lot of open sea there.
Quoted By:
>>18742214 and I haven't even begun my Vivillon collection yet ;__;
>>18742222 That how it starts your descent into madness.
>>18742223 That's how I got sandstorm, because who in the middle east actually plays pokemon? Is Arabic even a language option?
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:51:47 No. 18742245 Report >>18742222 Sent! Accept my trade, I have some extra patterns that I can give to you.
>>18742245 >>18742222 List what patterns you have/get from her I have some extras as well.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:55:01 No. 18742250 Report Quoted By:
>>18742245 Thanks a lot!
>>18742246 Will do. I actually have to leave for an interview right now though. I see you around enough I'll be sure to let ya know.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:56:04 No. 18742258 Report >>18742246 I'm a boy btw
I gave him:
-Archpelago (Scatterbug)
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ] Fri 04 Apr 2014 11:58:12 No. 18742267 Report Quoted By:
>>18742222 I can get you continental if you want it.
I produce modern and have an extra high plains and elegant.
>>18742285 If you don't mind ivs, I can get you a garden one.
Quoted By:
>>18742238 I think Israel gets Sandstorm too. But I got all my Vivs by filling stuff on the GTS (and maybe two or three patterns here), mostly for stuff like Scizor. Icy Snow was by far the rarest sight and the last pattern I got. Though I had to put up some legendaries too. The Meadow one was a nice trade. Viv was holding a Wide Lens, while the other guy asked for one of the Regis.
>>18742285 >>18742258 That's what he should end up with. And he still has the ones from WT to crack open. And I am very tired and really should sleep I'll see you guys much later tonight.
>>18742292 Thanks for the offer Kath I think I got mine from you
>>18742209 that's my list just have ocean left.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
this is all i have rn. I've got spare elegants, could probably give you leftover pokes for your vivillons.
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Fri 04 Apr 2014 12:08:53 No. 18742309 Report Did this became a Vivillon trade thread? lol
>>18742309 Butterflies are serious bizness.
>>18742302 I have spare polar. Throw up a disc for a viv.
>>18742300 B-but, I've never given Vivillons away..
What if there's another Katherine running around giving them out? Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18742323 nz...right? I thought I got it from you pretty sure it was a girl's name. I'll check OT... and it's peter who the hell is peter?
you break out the swords there can be only one Aegis
>>18742331 Sent enjoy
And I really need to sleep, good night/day to all of you. Hope it goes well.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
>>18742343 Got it, thanks. Night!
>>18742333 >Girl's name >Peter Peter's my real name.
Way ahead of ya Aegis
>>18742350 Ah okay then, I never really got the whole guy gamers play girl characters thing. I don't pay attention to OT. Just people's name when they post stuff on here.
I should really stop sniping luvdiscs now. But it just feels so good to have almost 2 boxes of them.
Will those fucking faggots Opti and Anthony ever leave? Fuck those guys
>>18742365 I was kidding about the Peter part.
Quoted By:
>>18742371 Oh good, my replacement arrived. Can you keep talking while I go fetch a package?
Quoted By:
>>18742381 It's 8:37 am. I have not slept. A bit slow on the uptake over here.
Also andy you now have a chimcar with egg moves and decent ivs I got through wonder trade enjoy. Post in the thread for requests man.
Quoted By:
>>18742371 dont blame you, im starting to dislike opti too now. whats the deal with that anthony guy singling out people giving them "special" shit instead of giving it away to everyone that is annoying
Quoted By:
Anthony? What's he even given away? Or was he a troll that made people rage by suggesting a vip list which is a stupid idea. I'll admit to slight favortism myself when I give stuff out. People that breed good stuff do a lot of giveaways. Or have gone out of their way to breed me something. I guess half the reason is just hoping to keep a healthy productive community. Also I love this image.
Random passersby are pussies. Nobody wants to battle my Seven Rotom Army.
>>18742483 Why so many rotoms?
>>18742590 IV checking all at once. Finally got to battle a Japanese player.
I lead with Fan Rotom, opponent has Bellossom. Switches to
>Rotom used Swagger. Malamar's Attack harshly fell. Faggot disconnected after my Mow Rotom lived their Mega Gardevoir Hyper Beam, and before I could check anything besides my Wash Rotom. Got to down a Malamar and Azumarill though.
Is anybody who's not a disconnecting faggot up for the Rotom Army?
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ] Fri 04 Apr 2014 13:36:33 No. 18742618 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a speed boost venipede? Preferably (a female) in a cool ball and/or (any gender) with spikes. Disc is up, thanks! I still have tons of Net Ball 5 IV female froakies if anyone wants one.
>>18742483 Which Rotoms are your favorite?
>>18742590 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J2QdDbelmY >not running a team full of all rotom formes Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Sawsbuck Simisage Quilladin ] Fri 04 Apr 2014 13:37:39 No. 18742624 Report >>18742615 Yes, I want to try. What is your fc?
>>18742621 I can't even name half the pokemon in x and y.
I came from gen 1 and 2, I was happy with snorlax soloing elite four.
I know rotom wash is apparently a huge defensive wall and is used as a lead sometimes that's about the extent of my knowledge on rotom. Also he's ghost type and he takes over appliances.
>>18742655 It's interesting, about 2 years ago I was in the exact same position as yourself. But I bought Platinum and White and
got gud taught myself a whole lot about current pokemon.
Today the only generation I have trouble with is Gen3, since that was my last game I played.
>>18742621 The Fan Rotom I taught Swagger to was a boss. Had a second battle against some Asuna with OU: The Team: Shiny Edition featuring Umbreon that seemed to run Leftovers on everything. Also disconnected although they were winning. Which is pretty weird because the Umbreon and Heatran already tried to stall me out (one with Toxic+Lefties+Wish, the other with Torment+Substitute+Lefties).
Wanna battle? Only the Mow Rotom is a badly EV trained shiny. And I didn't use any items. You can bring whatever you want.
>>18742624 I'm short on FCs, but if you put a disc up for a disc saying Seven Rotom Army, we can battle.
>>18742695 The games have gotten much much better. Actually having a lot of fun on battle spot right now. Trying to anticipate what the other guy is going to do with Aegislash. Also smogon bird is apparently very hard for most people to handle.
Reborn 4098-2272-2079
Quoted By:
Giving Away Brave Honedges. 5IV, one being 0SPD, most are Penta Perfect(Lack SPATK) Luxury Ball Egg Moves are Shadow Sneak, Sword Dance and Metal Sound.i also have a hexaperfect male if anyone wants it.
fuck trevant harvest. sub /leech seed/ protect/ curse
>>18742704 Okay, sure. Disc is up. I'm going out for a bit though so I'll send you a battle request in a while.
Quoted By:
Anyone up for a battle?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18741883 If you are still around I would much like one
-Penta female Larvitars in Friend Ball with 4 EM
-4-5IV female HA Dratinis with extremespeed
-Penta female HA Bagons with dragon dance
-Female Safari Ball Trapinch with Quick Attack and Bug Bite
Misc stuff:
1x Skarmory with Bravest Birde, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind
1x Timid Solar Power Helioptile with Camouflage, Agility, Glare
1x Male treecko (overgrow) with Crunch, leech seed, synthesis, endeavor
>>18742704 I don't have a fully trained proper team, just random ones sorry. Stay and I'll fight you once I finish my sandstorm team...!
Someday ;_; >>18742708 I'm glad Talonflame forced people to use some rock types that aren't tyranitar to fight it, it's nice.
I just use Espeed Lucario personally. >>18742779 Best Trevenant counter is Pyroar yo.
>>18742822 What nature are the Larvitar?
Also i don't have a dratini somehow, let me disc up for one Opti.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18742829 Sassy. Gotta raise dat sp. def yo.
Also feel free to take a dratini from me
>>18742836 Disc's up.
Sassy is uhh, +SpDef -Speed?
Got my first badge on my Mystery Egg run. Everything running smooth, but I almost shat my pants when Giulia the Murkrow was dropped down to 5 HP Good morning
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18742708 Oh... Man, I have ocean and I may be getting a spare one... Do you still need it?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 04 Apr 2014 14:32:06 No. 18742845 Report Okay so i've been to game and got my free 'mon. If you are playing X you get Magmar and Y users get Electrabuzz. My Magmar has 1IV and Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Confuse Ray and Fire Punch so no special moves here. Its holding the item to make it evolve. Nature is random by the looks of it, as mine is Impish.
>>18742829 Didn't have any roar/whirlwind etc on the 3 I brought into the battle spot battle. It was just really annoying and frustrating. I had a nice interactive battle with a bunch of switching etc before. And then trevant harvest.
>>18742840 Team list/status?
>>18742842 Yeah that would be awesome, should I disc for a viv?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18742839 Yep. Mostly because I enjoy putting ice beam on Tyranitar to surprise phys walls and Landorus-t/Garchomp switch ins :DDD
>>18742845 I have a feeling i'm about to have my ass handed to me.
Quoted By:
Have these up for grabs: 6 HA Luxury Ball Gothita 12 Timer Ball Larvesta 10 Dream Ball Chansey Disc up and reply if interested.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
Quoted By:
>>18742856 Let's better direct trade; end that battle and TR me
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 04 Apr 2014 14:43:13 No. 18742888 Report >>18742863 lol, perfect prediction on my chesnaught <3
>>18742888 Yeah he might sweep me now with all the bulk up.
Finally got to check the remaining Rotoms through a multi battle. Unfortunately my partner was pretty poor (attacking Serperior with his special Mega Luke, instead of Gardevoir) and got eliminated before they focused on me.
>>18742812 Cool.
Please be gentle. >>18742829 What do you want to have on your sandstorm team?
I hate opposing weather, although I can deal with Sun pretty well Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 14:47:04 No. 18742923 Report Quoted By:
Well that was the only interview I ever walked away from feeling unsure of how I did.. Oh well Pokemon.
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>>18742846 I'm hatching an egg per new place. So far 2 eggs hatched:
Giulia, the Murkrow (14)
Denalia, The Snover (12)
Just got my first badge, no losses yet. Joltik, Porygon, Aron and Mankey boxed and waiting
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 04 Apr 2014 14:48:35 No. 18742929 Report >>18742907 lol, crit my Charizard will you? Let me show you how its done!
Also do you not have a chlorophyll venasaur?
>>18742929 it should be it's not ev trained though I took it through a playthrough also i hate the monkey.
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>>18742919 So far I've thought of:
M Garchomp
weakness to fairy and fighting, the team
Poison/Fairy type when?
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>>18742938 oh it's probably because I thought you were going to switch the monkey out for more fake out flinch action so went for the synthesis.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 04 Apr 2014 14:52:46 No. 18742957 Report >>18742938 Ambipom is awesome. I love how Aipom looks, i hate the nose when it evolves.
Also you should have sucker punched after one sword dance, you would have killed him.
Rematch me when you've EV trained.
>>18742860 Do you have any male Larvitar?
I rather like that nature actually.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18742959 Yeah have a few 5IV but they're not pentas, if you want one disc up
>>18742965 Works for me, disc's up.
>>18742957 Char y
smogon bird
Are the only ones ev trained so far.
Also ttar was tanky as all hell.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18742973 Maaaan you didn't need to give that! Ty though, seems sweet! Is your vivillon collection done?
>>18742984 Hey wait a sec was that your only ocean man? If so you can have it back I don't want to mess up a collection. I had 3 of those guys from my playthroughs. He was rotting in a box this way you get good trade fodder. Yeah it is complete!
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
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>>18742996 It's the only one I have, but I'll get one. I don't collect them, I get them for people who collect them, so no problem. Keep it, and congratz! Finally... It's done!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:04:35 No. 18743011 Report So I'm assuming if you breed a Vivillion, even if I bred with say a Tundra one, the child would just be my region anyway right?
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>>18743011 Yeah it bases it upon the region settings you have for the ds. If you change region settings and start a new game it will produce vivilions of that region. So for example before I start another playthrough I'll set mine to hawaii so I can produce ocean pattern for people. Also if you do not have a region selected it defaults to the one set for your country.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:17:33 No. 18743094 Report Thanks to the donations here and the couple I got from WonderTrade here's where I'm standing so far. Not a bad start. Really tempted to take a nap before work but.. Pokemon..
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:18:54 No. 18743101 Report Quoted By:
>>18742973 Adamant T-Tar, with 252 HP, 252 SpDef and 4 Att, wearing an assault vest.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:19:37 No. 18743104 Report >>18743094 If you can catch him over in the Scum and villany of the wifi general threads I know for a fact that a dude named "Amplify" has some ocean pattern vivilions
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>>18743094 You'll sleep when you're dead.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:25:26 No. 18743135 Report >>18743104 I'll keep an eye out then. Thanks.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:27:51 No. 18743149 Report Quoted By:
>>18743135 Np He gave me one and I still love it to death.
>>18743094 this is what your list is about to look like as soon as I catch a scatterbug and trade you stuff.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:41:04 No. 18743231 Report >>18743163 Oh yay! Thank you. I'll be back in like 20 though something came up. If you don't mind waiting.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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>>18743135 Scatterbug obtained. And FC added.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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scyther please
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 04 Apr 2014 15:57:52 No. 18743384 Report Quoted By:
>>18743340 do you need a perfect one or do you just want it for a scizor?
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 16:04:36 No. 18743429 Report >>18743246 Back.
Also tfw when your friends list is getting full but almost everybody has different IGN's from their Mii names and you don't know who has the good safaris.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18743429 I don't even know what's in my safari.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 16:10:06 No. 18743471 Report >>18743452 I can find out for you.
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>>18743429 But the Friend Safari list uses Mii name not IGN for its display, so you should have literally no problem at all removing the shitty safaris.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18743471 I need to go and do stuff soon so I won't be around in the thread to find out. I think that's all of it.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 04 Apr 2014 16:13:55 No. 18743509 Report >>18743496 Ah ok. Well thank you. A ton.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18743509 No problem you are half way there already. But you still have to handle the unholy trinity of icysnow, sandstorm, and ocean.
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>>18743565 fuck you still havent left or slept?
>>18743509 >>18743565 Pan has an entire pastebin of icy snow scatterbug eggs in premier balls. Got a pentaperfect from it.
Not that into collecting but I would like to find someone doing the same with savanna
>>18743843 What's your native pattern, Ramona? You breed me a penta and I'll make sure you get one of mine once I finish breeding them.
>>18743888 High Plains. I can definitely breed you one, you'll have to give me a while though because I'd be starting from scratch.
What's your IGN? I'll watch out for you in the threads.
Lorenzo 3711-8666-8892
>>18742822 I'll take a Bagon please. discing up.
>>18743918 I'm only just starting my Scatterbugs too, gonna breed its entire egg move pool onto them (Poison Powder/Stun Spore/Rage Powder) from a level 32 Butterfree.
Thankfully I have access to a safari with both Vivillon and Butterfree so I can at least catch 2IVs to start with.
Namefagging for this post since you asked. I tend to keep it Anonymous if it's unimportant but I've been lurking these threads for the last month or so. Ramona
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>>18743980 Oh, maybe I have a safari with it too, not sure.
I'll try to get egg moves on mine as well and breed up some eggs.
I used to post with a trip but i ditched that.
Some people might try to post with my name, but I'll post about it when I'm done, so reply if you see me in the next couple of days!
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Looking for a female charmander in a cool ball
>>18743980 Jut when i thought the name Opti was gay you called yourself ffix master
Which ball looks best? I kinda like timer, but the nest is nice because it matches the two green stripes so well.
>>18744146 You called yourself Anonymous, and everybody knows that's a faggot name.
>>18744354 I'd say Nest.
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>>18744146 At least it's FF IX and not FF VIII. That part was shit.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
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Before I start the Chore of Hp breeding does anyone have an Hp Fire Eevee lying around? Thanks either way
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18743962 sent
>>18744354 I'd say nest ball
>>18744419 I think I'll go with that, then, cause I like it best too.
Maybe I should start posting on anon more often too unless I'm giving stuff away. I'm probably too comfortable being a namefag in these threads. Anonymous
>>18744467 I don't even namefag when I'm giving shit away, only when I'm asking for something so people have the ign for my requests Ramona
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>>18744489 That's probably a good idea honestly. I feel like I get more out of the community with a name attached to my posts, but I should probably remind myself where I am. What matters is giving away good 'mons. Caught a compoundeyes viv in safari and got a butterfree with the egg moves. Breeding shall commence soon, though for now I have to get some stuff done before I go to work.
I don't recall many giveaways that are not from a namefag, though maybe those are always during my sleep hours.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
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>>18744614 >>18744614 There aren't ever any non namefag giveaways I'm always lurking during dead hours and they flat don't exist
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>>18744620 take it easy dood
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Luxury Ball Noibat (Tailwind/Switcheroo) Safari Ball Scyther (Defog/Counter/Whatever) Moon Ball Ponyta (Morning Sun/Low Kick/Hypnosis/Horn Drill) Dream Ball Flare Boost Drifloon (Haze/Tailwind/Weather Ball/Destiny Bond) x3 Fast Ball Krabby (Knock Off/Agility/Flail/Tickle) x7 Level Ball Rattata (Counter/Me First/Flame Wheel/Reversal) x3 Dive Ball HA Blitzle (Me First/Double Edge/Screech/Double Kick) All female. If I don't have a number in front of the Pokemon, it means I have too many of them. I don't even really get why everyone decided to Tripfag the other day. Having a name helps when you're giving stuff out though, especially events.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
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I've got a 2 5 iv timid Staryu First come first serve
>>18744638 I'll grab a Krabby and Rattata.
>>18744638 I'd like a Krappy and a Rattattattattatatat
>>18744638 People were tripfagging because anons started impersonating people without them. We had quite the fiasco with a Zilla imposter
>>18744638 Discing up for a Ponyta
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>>18744638 Can I grab a ratrtatattat? Discing in a sec
>>18744638 I'll take the last Krabby
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18744638 Disc going up for a Rattata
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18744667 Sent Rat
>>18744662 Sent Krab
>>18744685 Sent pony
Awaiting the rest of discs.
>>18744672 Who?
In all seriousness I can see how someone pretending to give stuff away can create chaos but tripfagging feels so wrong.
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>>18744716 That was the reason that I started tripping, people started impersonating me. Honestly though, the real harassment hit when I had the trip, and I realized it doesn't really matter and that I need to suck it up. Santi (1693-1338-7447)
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>>18744638 Disc up for ratatta if you have
>Seel - Love Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >Seel - Moon Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >Buizel - Fast Ball/Jolly w/Baton Pass, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Switcheroo x1 female >Eevee - Heal Ball/Bold w/Wish x3 females > Eevee - Nest ball/Jolly/HA x1 female >Scraggy - Timer Ball/Careful/Shed Skin w/Low Kick, Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Fake Out x2 males, x7 females >Koffing - Heavy Ball/Bold w/Toxic Spikes, Stockpile, Pain Split, Swallow x6 females >Bouffalant - Luxury Ball/Adamant w/Iron Head x1 Reckless female, x3 Sap Sipper females >Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly w/Bullet Punch, HJK, Blaze Kick, Crunch - Both HA and Non-HA, most female, a few males. Too many of them. Disc up if you want something. Please give specifics if necessary. I will be slow, I'm multitasking.
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Still have these up for grabs:
6 HA Luxury Ball Gothita
12 Timer Ball Larvesta
10 Dream Ball Chansey
4 Love Ball Chansey
Disc up and reply if interested.
>>18744716 Thank you for the Krab and Rat.
>>18744716 Ehh Tripfagging isn't more or less as bad as namefagging. I only use a trip now because I'm apparently cuntmaster general and no one will take that from me.
>>18744741 I'll take a Sap Sipper Bouffalant after this Krabby. I think I also have a HP Grass Rotom for you.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18744693 Waiting on your disc.
>>18744741 That's why I kinda don't see the point. It's gonna happen either way, and it's like once you do it, you gotta trip forever. May I have a love ball Seel? Thick Fat would be nice.
>>18744758 >>18744758 You're God damn right you are Cunt master General. And you're goddamn right to be proud of it motherfucker
Lorenzo 3711-8666-8892
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>>18744638 > disc up for Blitzle Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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The usual, Larvitar, Dratini, Bagon, all female and with the best ability and egg moves. Also have a Helioptile with agility and Glare as well as a male overgrow treecko with 4 egg moves who did not become shone
>>18744768 it literally just went up.
>>18744769 Thanks anon Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
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>>18744758 You're cool in my book. You're not even mean. You should give that guy his Pokemon though. Anonymous
>>18744716 Well it started with this anthony guy who began giving away shiny bugs, but decided to not give to some people even having a list started with people putting beggar or giver next to their name.Thats why hes disliked her by some people.
But can we talk about the elephant in the room?
not the anons that curse him, but i see people ignoring it but does it bother anyone that this opti guy is here? I mean just a bit? Can we be honest about it right now because its getting to me. ive noticed the "shitposting" begins when hes here/spoiler] Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
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>>18744778 Just sent it.
Everything else is sent too. Whoo.
>>18744758 Awesome, I'll disc up for the rotom.
>>18744768 Seel sent! Thank you for the rat.
Yeah, it is what it is. Because of the shitposting now I want to try and draw less attention to myself anyway, but still participate. By the way, has anyone seen Rynn, Flash, Lime, Regalia around? I guess they may have moved on now, they were the main namefags around when I started coming here
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
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>>18744795 We're all the shitposters but no one will admit it. The regulars aren't really picked on.
Of course I don't shitpost.
Seriously I don't. Maybe. Anonymous
>>18744804 Lime is still around sometimes. I haven't seen Rynn Flash or regalia in like a month
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>>18744804 Reg lurks and Lime usually shows up on the weekends. Flash is kill and Rynn can be found cloning/instacheck that sort of stuff.
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>>18744795 >>18744795 I'll bite.
No, opti doesn't bother me at all, and I don't think they bother the majority of the people here in reality. What bothers people is the shitposting. >>18744817 Yeah me neither, I guess every regular is bound to leave someday.
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Anons think Opti is bad with his Jewness does no one remember Ramirez? That motherfucker took mons from everyone and never gave shit out even shitmons. He was a real cancer
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>>18744858 >>18744858 >>18744858 New thread to celebrate my reign of terror