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No.18807495 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/

I'm an out of work 3d Artist (work in games) and an amateur programmer. I decided I wanted to do something productive with my time off, and Greninja's recent announcement as a playable character in Super Smash 4 got me thinking, "There's probably going to be one or two more Pokemon announced, but there's so many I want to play as."

It hit me that brawlers are basically side scrolling platformers with crazy action. I've programmed several side scrolling platforming games in my day as personal projects, and I'm sure learning how to program melee and ranged combat wouldn't be too difficult. So, I'm now considering making a fun little fan game composed of Pokemon I like that would be a clone of the Super Smash series. Several fan-clones of Smash exists, so it's certainly doable. Before I put forth any serious effort into this project though, I thought I would get some feedback from other people who like Pokemon.

Would you play a brawler that exclusively has Pokemon? I'm pretty motivated to make this project just for my circle of friends who enjoy the genre for our weekly LAN parties, but if I knew the fanbase would play my creation, I'd be a lot more motivated.

To be clear, this is not the beginning of a public project or anything. If I do decide to go through with this, you likely won't hear about it until it's ready to play and is released, lest Nintendo C&D me.

Thanks /vp/. Hit me with your honest opinions, no matter how hard they hurt.