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Mew Giveaway

No.19148776 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been feeling under the weather lately and doing giveaways usually cheer me up. These are the FAL2010 Mews and are on level 5. They have 6IVs and are Modest. They have the move tutor moves Earth Power, Dragon Pulse, and Hyper Voice. They will also be carrying an Ability Capsule. I only have a box full atm. Please follow these rules so that everyone can get their Mew as soon as possible.
>Add my FC first
>Comment your FC and IGN
>I'll be adding your FCs and trading in bunches of 5
>If you ask for one, make sure to stay online and check when your up
>I'll start the trades so it can go smoother
>Don't ask if I have any left because you will be ignored. I'll let everyone know when I'm out of Mews
Because this is a giveaway, you can trade me what you want to. Anything like breeding leftovers would be appreciated, though. If you ask for one, please don't leave or never get online because it makes it difficult for everyone.